My surrogate birth story

Emerald rose

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2011
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I am so happy to be wrighting this i hope it makes sense it all happened very quickly.

I had been contracting for a few weeks and was being checked daily at the hospital as i wasn't progressing further than 3cm.
I woke up on the 4th of november the day before my due date convinced i would be going overdue. My contractions where now every 10 mins lasting 30-40 seconds.
By 13:30 they felt stronger and timing them they ranged from 6-8 mins apart so still not regular enough.
During one contraction at 14:32 I felt a weird popping sensation so i stood up and my waters gushed out. Luckily i was wearing a pad as their was merconium in them.

Arrived at the hospital after calling the babies parents, who went in to shock as they kept saying 'really?'
Was monitored for 2 hours but with the contractions not being regular and i was still 3cm i needed to have a syntocin drip to speed things up.
The father decided he needed a break so went to get some food for everyone and put some money on the parking ticket.
Within an hour i was using gas and air for the pain and baby had turned back to back so my oh rubbed my back for awhile until i went feral and started getting fed up with being touched.
I did shout at the midwife aswell for constantly touching me and she offered me an epidural 3 times so i eventually snapped at her as i really didn't want one and was fed up with her saying it.

The babys father came back at this point but im sure he regretted that when he saw me. Midwife checked me and said i was 6cm i nearly broke down in tears but i suddenly felt the urge to push so i started pushing. The midwife turned to the parents who where just starting to eat some pasties and sandwiches and told them it was best to put the food away as baby was coming. 3 minutes of pushing and he was out. It felt like i was pushing much longer but my oh and Midwife both say it was 3 minutes.

Baby was checked for any signs that he'd inhaled the merconium but he was fine and after being cleaned off he was handed to his Daddy for some skin to skin.

Mummy was in tears. It was an amazing experiance to be apart of.
Baby Zac was born at 21.21 weighing 7lb 12oz

I admire your love and courage for doing such a beautiful thing for a couple who could not have a family of their own.

I dont imagine being able to do that myself, but its a lovely thought.

Well done on the labour sounds pretty chilled and fast.

Aww well done, such an awesome thing to do for that couple. Hope you are ok and recovering well x
Wow! The most wonderful gift you could ever give :D

Hats off to you & well done. Hope you are feeling well!
Amazing and well done I hope you are ok xxx
Well done and echoing what the other ladies are saying, it is such a fantastic thing you have done creating a new family x

Massive congratulations to you all xxx
Amazing!!! Go you for doing such a wonderful thing :) hope the new parents are enjoying lots of new baby squishes xx
Thanks for sharing your story. You did an amazing thing. 😊 Xx
Well done, you have given that couple the most precious gift anyone could ever give, I hope you are recovering well and I wish you so much happiness, health and luck for your future.
You are an amazing woman. What a lovely story. Much health and happiness to you and the little one and his parents x

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