My story so far!

Oh my heart goes out to you. You sound just like me.
I'm on my 14th cycle too. I've had my day 21 bloods done and had day 2 - 4 bloods done. Both came back normal so now my DH has to have a SA done before I have any further tests.

That's all well and good but when we were referred to the assisted conception unit for DH's test they said they couldn't do it because their embryologist has left. They referred us to the pathology dept at out local hospital and they said they couldn't do it because they just don't do that kind of test. So we went back to our GP who said he would sort something out for us and that was 2 months ago .We're still waiting for him to find somewhere for DH to go for his semen analysis because nothing else can be done until we know if that is OK.

It just feels like we're battling up a very long steep hill and getting nowhere. I can't seriously belive it's been 14 months since we started trying for a baby. I have 3 friends who announced they wanted to start their families several months after we started trying and they are all pregnant now (one's having twins). I'm really glad we didn't announce to the world that we were trying.

Good luck to all the ladies on here who are in the same boat. I really hope we are all in line for some good luck soon.

luv Corinne xxxx
Hi Corrine
Thankyou for your message. I know what you mean about everyone else getting pg round you - it's so unfair! :(

We didn't announce that we were going to try either, just close family know and it makes it a whole lot easier.

Were you relieved that everything was normal with you? I don't know what to think - if it's normal then we will have to carry on ttc and how long is it going to take - if there is a pronblem then at least we can move forward. Nah, I want everything to be normal, who am I trying to kid!!!

I feel like I have af cramps today - I never know if they are there cos I am thinking about them or if they are there. It is way too early for af, only on day 18 but my body/cycles are so strange nothing would surprise me. Whatever happens I am going to the dr on Friday morning for my next blood test!!

Good luck and I hope you get sorted with your DH SA test soon - it's one thing after another isn't it?


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