34, PCOS TTC #1 - 2 months in


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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just joined this site. I am 34 and have PCOS. Came off the pill a year ago and periods have been pretty regular with a 31-33 day cycle.

Got married last month and according to my fertility app I was ovulating on honeymoon. We used soft cups and conceive+ , and was due AF on 16th Dec. Well I was late and convinced myself we had got lucky first time. But no, 5 negative pregnancy test later I got AF on 24th Dec.

So CD1 is 24/12

I have bough OPK's for this month, and am also using the billings method. I have just bought a CBFM aswell to start using next month.

I am determined to be pregnant before I am 35! (April)

anyone else on a similar journey?
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I am ina slightloy different boat hun.

32 in June and have been pregnant three times this year. All ended in miscarriage.

I am off to recurrent miscarriage clinic early next month so hoping they can find a way to keep me pregnant.

Welcome to the wonderful world of TTC

Hoping you get your BFP soon!

I have PCOS hun and diabetic when pregnant so not much fun for me. But I am going to be honest it took me 6 months to get caught with my first ever true pregnancy with my current partner. x

Also I was going for fertility tests at time, got caught when he was doing sperm sample so we didn't do anything for five days but I somehow did the right days and I was like wow just after my birthday I would have conceieved so my son is my birthday wish as I did wish on my birthday cake for him :)
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oh no that is awful hun! hopefully the clinic will be able to get some answers for you and you will get your sticky bean soon! x
oh no that is awful hun! hopefully the clinic will be able to get some answers for you and you will get your sticky bean soon! x

Thank you hun!

Best of luck on your TTC journey

hey hun welcome to the forum hope you get your bpf soon hun
Hi and welcum, ive bin tring since may and really wanted to have a baby by the time i was 30th(aug 2012)but now il settle for just getting a bfp by then. Hope it wont be long for you hun.

Michelle. x

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