My quickie, secret wedding!!

Firstly many congrats. Secondly this is something I would love to do in like a romantic way but I'd feel to guilty about not inviting friends and family did u tell any one first acne what was their reaction
We made sure we told our families beforehand because I would definitely felt terrible keeping it secret from them - I was worried about my parents reactions but they were so cool! Because we are having a big blessing later this year and everyone will be invited to that they are happy and are focusing on coming to that. The hardest thing was not telling my friends, especially those who live in Sheffield and could have popped down...if I'd had my way I would have told a few really close ones, but was sworn to secrecy! Yesterday I texted my 3 close friends to tell them - 2 were suprised but really happy for me but one has gone all funny on me - she just texted back 'congratulations' and nothing else which is not like her, and then later she put this big thing on her FB about how her friends take her for granted and give nothing back...feel like it may be directed at me? mmmmm. Feel bad, but as long as our families were ok we were we really will have a big do later this year so this one was more of a formality before baby was born! xx
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awk dont feel bad chick you done what was best for you and as you said having a big celebration after with friends and family.x
Don't worry about your friends comment. It was your special day & were entitled to do what you felt best. It's not as if you've had the huge event & not invited her. She'll come round I'm sure. Her ego will be a little bruised that's all!
Congrats on your wedding, you looked lovely & sooooo happy xxx
Aw amandapanda like the others have said don't feel bad - you did what was right for you. Friends can go a bit funny around any wedding - it really does bring out some straaaange reactions... xx
Have only just seen this, awww what a wonderful thing to do!!! Wishing you all the happiness in the world hun CONGRATS!! xx
Congrats! We done the same when we got wed :) What a fantastic year 2011 is for you :)

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