My pram is here!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Yay!!!! My new pram has just been delivered!!! I got the Phil and Ted's pram in red.

It's currently sat in my boot in two packages cause I had to pick it up from OH's parents house. So I'm sat waiting for either Mark to get home and bring it upstairs, or for my nice neighbour to come home and see if he wouldn't mind carrying it up for me!!!

I'm so excited!!!! I can use it straight away cause we'll just wont use the doubles kit until she's here!!!

also means I can wash and get the travel system we've been using ready to be sold. I'll just need to get a baby car seat when she's here!
Thats so nice.. you have got yours! Enjoy putting it together :D

Im waiting to get mine im going for a bulky number a Baby Jogger City Series..

Ive been told tandums are better than side by sides but I dont like the idea of one of my children being to see out and the other the back of the seat if you catch my drift.

Take care
Kathy x
yep well ive seen a lot of people and there is plenty of view space for the one in the back.

the baby will be at the back and tbh i doubt she will be that interested in looking at whats going on for a while anyway!!!! if she's anything like my boys she'll sleep the whole time she's being pushed in the pram.

its a perfect pram for us with our age difference.

i got my neighbour to carry it upstairs so im going to build it up now!!!

Aww sounds good! I must admit i still havnt figured out how to put my pram up and take it down yet!! :shock:

Im fine once its up but i coudlnt put it down when i tried last week.
well i've made it up pretty easily!!!! played around with the doubles set and used my sons teddy as a makeshift baby!!!!

when my youngest wakes up i'll get them both in the pram and take a pic of them!

i know my eldest isnt really going to be using it, but it'll be fun to see what it's like with two of them in there!!!
:cheer: On getting your pram, although I am slightly jelous that you get to use it now, Mine is sat waiting for a little person!

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