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He sounds as if he is slowly on the mend, although I agree with you about the thrush, it should be clearing up by now!

You're in a bit of a catch 22 situation though, antibiotics cause thrush (as they kill the good bacteria as well as the bad and let the fungal thrush bug flourish), but he NEEDS the antibiotics, so the thrush will probably continue until he is off the penicillin.

Does he like yoghurt? If he does, and you can get him to take some natural yoghurt (maybe with something like honey or fruit puree in it to sweeten it) then that will also help with the thrush as it is full of good bacteria and will coat his wee mouth in the stuff.

The penicillin lasting 8 days sound normal to me. Because it's been such a nasty infection keep an eye on him for a week or two after, as the infection could return if it's taken this long to start to improve.

I'd defo get him back to your doc tomorrow and just go over everything thats happened again, just to make sure no one is missing anything!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
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7-10 days sounds about right for penicillan, glad he is getting there hun :hug:

sounds like maybe a good time to give up his dummy for good :wink: i am dreading taking lukes away going to do it by the age of 2 if i can want him to get all his teeth first i think!! :wall:

behaviour i'm sure is just temporary while he is poorly and he'll be back to your happy bo very soon i hope :hug:
oh hun ive only just seen this. Your poor little boy!! :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

Really really hope he is better soon. It must be terrible for you to see him suffer so badly.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
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