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Poor baby, it sounds terrible, I really hope he starts to feel better soon. Ulcers are horrible the devils work :evil:

Alex xxx
oh your poor little boy! I'd struggle to cope with the ulcers- I hope he gets better soon xxx
Ive been using the thrush medicine for 24 hours now and their is no change, if anything its gotten a tiny bit worse, with more ulcers appearing on the inside of his top and bottom lip. Ive googled oral thrush and in all the pics it looks like a white film or white clusters of fur but while at the back it does look like that the front of his tonge and in side of his lips are yellowy ulcers like what you or I would get.

I mean ill take him back on monday if no better and they told me to ring the out of ours dr over the weekend if he gets any worse but he hasnt eaten since tusday (the odd spoon of weetabix or natural yoghurt a day and thats it) he is no struggling to drink. Someone told me oral thrush is not really painfull for babies but he is in so much pain, cant have his dummy in, cant eat and barley drink, and thats only because I have to pretty much force him.

all he has done since Tuesday is cry also and he isnt getting much sleep at night. Are the Drs fobbing me off?

thrush question
Hun, as I said Ella had oral thrush as a newborn and it doesn't sound like Oran has the same thing. If he's not drinking don't wait until Monday, you don't want him to get dehydrated. Ella wasn't really bothered by hers, she was feeding fine. I asked my OH if he can remember when she had it and he said it started to go within 24 hours of giving her the medicine. I'd maybe phone NHS direct..? :hug:
That's a long time without much to drink and it doesn't sound like anything from the doctor is helping. If it were me, I'd go to A and E but I'm maybe over reacting. I would panic in your situation (I still feel a bit panicky when she cries and I don't know why :oops: ) so I'm really impressed at how well you are holding together :hug:
he is drinking but only like probably 1 tomme tippee sippy cup in a 24 hours period, dr said as long as he has wet nappes he is ok :think:

If he is no better by tomorrow im ringing the out of hour dr I think as he is worse tonight and has been in hysterics for the last hour!

I just dont know what to do, I dont want to over react and phone the out of hours dr when all they might say is give the medicine longer to work, but I also dont want to under react and not do anything if its something sinister.

i dont fancy ringing NHS direct as TBH every time I have rung them so far they have been zero help, if anything I would ring out of hours doc!!

The only thing that concerns me is that everything I read says oral thrush isnt painfull in babies, only adults and he is in pain clearly as he wont eat, will barley drink (he usually has 6 ish big beakers (which are double the TT Sippy cup size) a day ) cant shut his mouth and cries every time he swallows!

he has barley eaten since Tuesday but the dr said this wasnt a problem ''as long as he has wet nappies he is fine.
It just doesn't sound right to me luv! Anytime I've had oral thrush it's cleared up basically after the first dose of nystin.

I'd say go with your "mummy gut" instinct. If you don't think he's right, get him to the out of hours, or go to A&E. One cup of water/juice a day isn't really enough, especially if he's poorly and not eating.

It's horrible coz we feel so helpless and would do ANYTHING for us to take it away from them!

I've got a lump in my throat thinking about what you're going through!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Jen, poor you and poor little Oran.
I definitely wouldn't worry about him not eating, as long as he's drinking. Just keep offering him water or juice and make sure he is having regular sips.
BUT...if he's worse tonight, I'd take him to A&E and get a paediatrician to check him over. It sounds really nasty. Poor little chap. Lxxxx
well girls just got back from the out of hours doc at the hospital after screaming (like when they have colic scream) from 6pm till 8pm. She looked hom over did loads of checks and said nothing else was wrong, said he still has tonsillitus although it is going so to keep on with the penacillin, but that he has a very bad case of thrush coupled with the oral virus he already had (the blisters) so he has thrush and blisters in their, she said his tounge & mouth is very inflamed and his lips were swollen (which I had mentioned and she comfirmed) she said this is why wont eat or drink really because he is so inflamed.

She perscribed Adcortyl which is a paste to put on his tonge and round his mouth and that should help numb the pain and to use it along side the thrush drops, I told here that is what they gave me first when it was just ulcers but they told me to stop using it when they gave me the thrush medicine, she said they should have told me to use both as the thrush one cures the thrush the Adcortyl eases the pain and inflamation, she just said dont use them together leave an hour between. So he now has to have every 4 hours (only 4 times in 24 hours) Penacillin, Adcortyl, Nystatin, Paraceetamol & Nurofen (nurofen only 3 times in 24 hours) its hard to give him them as he clamps shut and cries and I have to wait till he screams and shoot a bit in, then he hates me and wont come near me for about half hour, he is scared to death when I get the syringe out, itds gonna give him a Phobia I tell you!!

If I think about it, when I stopped using the paste on wed when they gave me the Nystatin its when he started getting worse with the pain, stopped taking his dummy (this was the first sign) then stopped eating and drinking so hopefull this should start to ease the pain

he screams when we got back, if I had him he wasted daddy and vica verse would not go to sleep or stop crying. Ive just been out in the car and after 15 mins he was dead to the world, brought him back, got him in and upstairs as soon as I went to sit on the bed (he is in the spare room with me while he is ill) he woke up and screamed and when I tried to get him to lie down on the bed, he hit me and kicked me :cry: daddy came up to help and lay down with him and he has settled down and gone to sleep (I think - we have the monitors on and I cant hear anything) Im rather upset he wouldnt settle for me and only for daddy, he must be really upset with me!!

Suppose on the plus side I might of shed a few lbs, Ive barley eaten or slept for 3 days lol

thanks girls, I think you all gave me the push to go to out of hours doc as I didnt want to be ''waisting their time'' hopefull knowing he should have the paste as well should ease his pain and not have him in paid all weekend till I was gonna take him back to the drs on Monday!

Oh and Lainey your right she said 1 beaker is not enough and to try and give him more, through a syringe if needs be - more bloody syringes!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
for you and Oran...poor little mite
hopefully you will all get some sleep.
I think we all worry about wasting peoples times but i have always found hospitals and doctors very understanding about my concerns.
do try and get a bit more food in you as you need the energy
Oh honey!!! Just saw this :hug: :hug: :hug: I feel so so sorry for you and little chap :hug: :hug: :hug:

I dont even know what to suggest. I had bad experience with docs myself.

Just hope you LO will get better soon.

And, maybe try giving him Diorolyte (sp?) its a drinking solution. At least he will be getting some salt and sugar from it. And, I m not a doctor, but maybe some ice cream would ease up his pain?
more hugs for little guy :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: from Sam xxx

Hope he feels better tomorrow & you can get some sleep :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just read this whole thread and it's really upset me! That poor little boy :( I really feel so sad for him bless him... Poor Oran :hug:

I really really hope this works for you both and you both manage to have a nice and relaxing (& calm!) weekend...

Hugs for you too Jen, it must be a nightmare for you love xx
lots of love to you all, just seen this sorry you are going through this poor lil man :cry:
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Awwww I'm so glad he's feeling better!

I really hope he continues to make an improvement!

Mhairi has a syringe phobia already! She HATES banana medicine and it's a real wrestling match to get it down her throat.....hopefully it won't last though!

Give the little guy hugs from Mhairi and I :hug: :hug: and have one yourself because you've been through hell! :hug:
LaineyG said:
Awwww I'm so glad he's feeling better!

I really hope he continues to make an improvement!

Mhairi has a syringe phobia already! She HATES banana medicine and it's a real wrestling match to get it down her throat.....hopefully it won't last though!

Give the little guy hugs from Mhairi and I :hug: :hug: and have one yourself because you've been through hell! :hug:

:hug: :hug: thanks babe!!

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