OH wants to drop a nap


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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sorry but the title made me giggle - keep thinking of your OH throwing a tantrum like a toddler because he doesn't want to goto bed.

TBH I think if he is sleeping then he obviously needs the sleep. Seren was only sleeping once during the day at that age but that was because she dropped it herslef, yet my mates little boy was still having two naps. I would let Oran guide you, there is no hard or fast rules.
Arianna only had one then, but she dropped the naps herself, now she doesnt have any naps (annoyingly :roll: ), although she sometimes wants to crash out come 4.30pm, but I keep her going or she wont sleep at night.

beanie said:
sorry but the title made me giggle - keep thinking of your OH throwing a tantrum like a toddler because he doesn't want to goto bed.

Snap :rotfl:
DS doesn't sleep much at all, I worry it's not enough sometimes but I never stop him sleeping when he wants to. He normally wakes up between 6.30 - 7am, then doesn't sleep again until after lunch - about 1ish. Then he sleeps for up to 2 hours, and doesn't sleep again until his bedtime of 8.30 - 9pm.

He does sometimes get tired in the morning instead of the afternoon but generally if he sleeps in the morning he doesn't sleep again but goes to bed 30 mins or so earlier.

So only a total of 12 hours a day :think: I'm not sure what it should be at that age but I think that baby knows what's best for them so if DS wants to sleep let him. It gives you more 'free' time anyway :rotfl:
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James normally sleeps 12 hrs a night and has a nap in the morning and sometimes one in the afternoon. His morning nap only used to last half an hour, now it's normally an hour. If he doesn't have them, he gets really grumpy and has been known to fall asleep in his high chair. I think at this age they still need lots of sleep, he'll drop a nap when he's ready!
I can't remember when Lucy changed from having 2 naps in a day to just one but it was a gradual thing that happened because if she had two naps she would be wide awake at bedtime. We've always let Lucy sleep when she needs to so long as it doesn't change her bedtime more than half an hour. We've only just decided to cut out her afternoon nap on weekends (she doesn't have one at nursery) because she was too hyper at bedtime.

I think think you should be led by Oran, you'll start to see that either his bedtime changes or his afternoon sleep will get later, at that point its worth either cutting out one of the naps or at least cutting it down to perhaps just an hour.

Doing it before he's ready will just make for a grumpy little boy, which makes a grumpy mummy and daddy!
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i think oran will tell you when he doesn't need to sleep as much jenny, like when he starts sleeping less at night or waking earlier, i bet he si on the go all the time and he needs his naps to recharge :dance:
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:shhh: Lips are sealed!!

But great that he's sleeping :D
He will drop it himself when he's ready too!

Fynn sometimes doesnt have an afternoon nap... but if he doesnt have his afternoon nap, he wants to go to bed early... the other day he didnt have his afternoon nap, but he went to bet at 5pm and woke the next morning at 6.30! The same as today, no nap, but he went to bed at 5.30 and will no doubt sleep right thru!

If he doesnt have an afternoon nap by 3pm I try and keep him awake... I dont let him have a nap too late.

Just go with what Oran wants .. on that note, I think I need a nap :sleep:
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