My little man :)

Jun 9, 2011
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I was induced at 12:30 on saturday 2nd April 2011 12 days after my due date with the suppository and laid and waited. At 7pm my boyfriend had to leave and I was terrified of going into labour whilst he was at home.

My baby was lying back to back and I was made aware that I'd feel the pain in my back and could need an assisted delivery.

At 12am sunday morning I started having contractions at an hour apart. By the time my boyfriend came at 12pm I was down to every 20 minutes. At 2:30 I was 2cm dilated and taken up to the delivery suite to have my waters broken, the nurse told me I would have to have an epidural so I agreed. I was then put on a hormone drip and torlerating the pain using gas and air.

By 6 I was 4cms dilated and in so much pain and was relieved when the anesthesioligist came to do my epidural. She administered it quickly and 5 mins after she'd gone my baby's heart rate plumited. The room was suddenly full of midwifes and doctors, but I was too high on the gas and air to realise what was happening and looked to my partner who reassured me things were ok so I didnt panic.

They clipped a monitor onto his scalp and his heartbeat stabilised.

I was 6cm at 7pm and by 9pm I could feel the pain was intense in my lower back and bum, the nurse said she'd top up my epidural but when I told her I couldnt stop pushing she examined me and I was 10cm dilated.

She asked me if I could stop pushing for an hour but my body couldnt phsyically stop so another midwife joined us and put my legs in stirrups so the baby had an easier exit.

However after 2 hours of pushing my babys heartrate was falling again... my pelvis was crushing his head so they called for the doctor.

I refused forceps and asked for the ventouse, I also tried to refuse an episiotomy but he insisted I needed one and for the sake of my baby I agreed.

On Sunday 3rd April 2011 at 11:21pm Corben Anthony Robinson was finally delivered and weighed 8lbs 15oz (which I am told is big for a first baby) just in the nick of time.. I had the perfect mothers day present :dance:

As soon as I saw him the pain just went and I was left deeply madly in love with our little bundle of joy :)

At 2:50am my boyfriend had to go home.. he had been my rock throughout the whole thing. I was gutted and as I said goodbye I burst out crying. I was so exhausted... surely they could have let him stay??

I was taken to the labour ward and didnt sleep all night, I just sat staring at my little guy. How could I have made something so perfect???

I counted down the hours until visiting time so I could see my boyfriend and we could be a family for the 7 visiting hours we got together.

It had been a hard night trying to get my little man to latch on, initially he'd been interested but he was just so sleepy he wasnt bothered. The midwives were rough grabbing at my boobs and squeezing really hard to get my colostrum flowing then forcing them into his mouth. I just thought the whole thing was traumatic for both of us!!!

I was so relieved when Andy got to hospital :) you could see the love he had for our son written all over his face and was very attentive... even though the little guy slept throughout!!

We spent the time inspecting every detail, he had big hands big feet and was very long... but wasn't chubby at all. We couldnt tell where all the weight was lol.

My mum came for the afternoon visiting, shes a very proud grandma for the 5th time and then came back with my dad for the evening. Proud grandad too!!!

They all left at 7pm and I was alone for the night again... thanks to having a temperature and high white blood cell count :'(

I struggled with feeding again, it was 24 hours and he had only had a feed when he was born. The nurse said she was happy and he was healthy but arranged and showed me how to cup feed him and also gave me a syringe. At last he was getting the food he needed.

The next morning I was very hopefull of coming home that evening and after having blood tests I was allowed home at 7:05pm :D my mum came and took us home.

That night was amazing, it was so good to have our little man home... and although we slept downstairs it was a very easy first night... which turned into a very easy first few weeks.

He was so content and spent his waking hours just looking around, he made clicking noises when he needed feeding so never really cried.

We were very lucky :)
Corben first starting lifting his head when he was born for a few seconds at a time. He's a very strong baby, but he started being able to lift it for 30 seconds or more when he was 5 weeks old.

He sat propped up by a cushion at a day old but officially sat upright at 6 weeks when he started pulling his head and body forward. He can now at 9 weeks sit unsupported for about 20 seconds lol.

At 6 weeks he noticed his hands and started staring at them.

At 7 weeks we suddenly started interacting with toys on his bouncer smacking them about.

He started reaching out for things when he was 8 weeks, picking things up with the whole of his hand and trying to use his thumb and forefinger when touching the ribbons in his book.

He first smiled on my birthday when he was 5 weeks old, and now it has flourished into a huge toothless open mouthed grin accompanied with a laugh.

He started babbling at 5 weeks along with his smile, talking and reaching for his monkey. He now coos and uses agoo, goo, awah aboo and gah!!!

He stared a our faces when he was born but you could really see him focusing at 4 weeks.

At 5 weeks he smiled for me and his dad his nana and grandad and his great grandad.

At 6 weeks he started to watch me moving around the room and watched as people left the room.

And at 6 weeks he started crying when I left the room... meaning I can hardly get a thing done lol!!

Hes very upfront for his age and coos at a picture of himself on the computer!!
Aw, it sounds like you have a lovely boy, really strong.

I hear you about the post-natal ward and the agressiveness to get baby latched on, was exactly the same for me and so traumatic, they don't help they make it worse.

Thanks maria, he's fab :D

I was so relieved to get home so i could be relaxed with him, they made a frustration situation a 100 times worse! I could hav privacy because as soon as I closed with curtains 2 feed him midwives and other staff would keep opening it to see if things were ok!

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