My little dream has gone


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Well after a two week wait, two scans and two days of heavy bleeding a scan revealed today that I've had a mmc. I am devastated. I can't stop crying and can't quite believe that the baby I wanted so badly is not to be. The worst thing is my d&c is not until next Wednesday, so I feel like I can't begin to move on until that's over. Please tell me this all gets better.
So sorry to read this hun. I understand how devastating MC can be. You will need time to grieve and take as much time as you need as everyone deals with this differently. I can say it does get easier although you will never forget the little one you lost. I hope you will be ok. Feel free to pm me any time. :hug::hug::hug::hug:
So sorry to read this hunny. Sadly it does get easier, but you will never ever forget your first bean. I had a mmc in June at 11 weeks and the 3 months after we're some of the worst I've had, but I'm am now feeling much stronger. I have also accepted that maybe my bean was too poorly to stay with us, so is now with my mum in heaven. :hugs: big hugs :hugs: xxx
Allyackles I'm so sorry to read this. It does get easier to deal with but you never forget and i found I have been up and down about it, but I am very lucky to have a fab oh who is supportive and gives me lots of cuddles, little things like that make a big kind to yourself xxx
Im so sorry for your loss! It truely is the worst experience ever! It does get easier but you need to take the time to grieve! Take care of yourself! Big Hug! Xxx
oh i am sorry what a terrible thing, it hurts hunny i kmnow i had a MMC at 14 weeks, it does get easier in time believe it or not sweety. I am so sorry for you and your little angel :hugs:
I can not find any words that will ease your pain, even though there will always be a little crack I hope your heart starts to mend soon! :hugs:
So sorry Hun I'm having a mc at the mo I'm here if you need a chat x
So sorry to see yet another lady posting on here Ally.

The only upsdei is that we all understand what you are going through.

I had to wait 21 one days (which included 4 visits to the EPU and 10 internal scans) before my M/c in May so I do sympathise.

The hurt never fully goes away but you do learn to live with it.

If you need anything at all just yell

Just to let you all know after bleeding constantly since Thursday and passing big clots I went to the hospital for another scan. Turns out I have a incomplete miscarriage so I'm having a d&c Wednesday. When will this all ever end?!
Just to let you all know after bleeding constantly since Thursday and passing big clots I went to the hospital for another scan. Turns out I have a incomplete miscarriage so I'm having a d&c Wednesday. When will this all ever end?!

Oh sweetheart - I only just saw this (been away on leave and off sick so not been about much)

So sorry this has happened to you, as you say have you not been through enough?

I hope today went OK for you (well as OK as something so horrible can be?)

Big hugs...


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