So, Cam has 2 teeth! I can see both the front ones at the bottom! His feeding has been difficult as I think the teats must hurt his gums, so we end up with cry, feed, cry, feed and eventually he'll finish his bottle. Poor little chap.
Weaning wise, I've been giving him a bowl of baby porridge after his 11 o clock feed and he loves it! I've got the hv coming round on Thursday, so hopefully she can go through weaning with me and give me the go ahead to start introducing other things. I was worried about weaning to begin with, but seeing how much Cam enjoys his porridge, I am quite looking foward to giving him new things.
I'm quite up and down myself at the monent. Oh went back to work on weds last week and i did ok. Kept busy doing housework weds, Thursday and spent loads of quality time with Cam on friday. We went out for 2 lovely walks on sat and Sunday and i was feeling really good. Then Monday arrived...and i felt crappy. Did nowt all day just sat cuddling Cam and playing with him. Pretty much the same today- sorted Cam but didnt get myself dressed until 12. After his next feed I'm going to try and rustle up enough motivation to take the dogs out for a walk. Baby group starts again tomorrow and baby massage starts the following week, so hopefully that will help by getting me out and about. The newest issue is I keep having nightmares. The last 2 nights i have had horrible dreams that Cam has been kidnapped and I'm trying to get him back. Its awful.
I'm so worried that people will think I'm being a bad mum, so I'm quite glad that the hv is coming to my house so she can see that i am looking after him properly. I keep saying about how I'm lacking motivation to do anything and that is true, but i still get things sorted, do the washing, housework etc because Cam needs me to. I refuse to allow my crappy state of mind to negatively affect him and as much as i don't feel like doing a lot i make sure i do it for him. He is my world and i would do anything for him. He's happy, he smiles and he laughs and the sound of his little chuckle always makes me smile. He's learning new things all the time, the latest being screaming! Not because there is anything wrong, just because he can! Hoping thats a phase that passes quickly! Lol!
I am dreading going back to work. Although some good news is.that my manager has resigned. She will still be at the centre but no longer the manager. This does help me feel a bit better as tbh she is a bully and I'm frightened of her, so I'm glad she's no longer on the top rung of the ladder. I'm still worried that any progress i make with dealing with my PND will all be ruined when i go back to work as I'll stilll have to work with her. I guess I'll just have to see how i go.
I told my best friend yesterday too. Despite the fact that we haven't seen each other since before xmas and we were just texting she asked me 'how are you really? Are you really ok?' I decided to tell her. The reason i hadn't said anything before is because she is going through chemotherapy at the moment and has enough on her plate. Needless to say she told me off for not telling her and we are going to try and get together next week if she's feeling up to it. Makes me feel so stupid for feeling like I am, as in comparison to everything she has been through my problems pale into insignificance really.
My hubby is being so amazing and supportive. I just don't know what i would do without him tbh. He just phoned me from work to see how i was, cue me crying down the phone to him about my nightmares. He is being so brilliant with me though. I'm so lucky.
Wow, that was a bit of an essay. Obviously needed to off load.