My lil Man- Cameron Elliot

This time twelve months ago, I held my newborn son in my arms for the first time! That teeny helpless bundpe has blossomed into the most wonderful little person full of character and fun.

For his first birthday he had a vtech push along walker, a crocodile xylaphone, foam shapes playmat, a big boy drinking cup and a caramac bar. These were all very exciting for a short while and then we played with a coaster instead! Lol!

This last year has been a rollercoaster of a ride with the highest highs and the lowest lows. Becoming a mummy has made me feel complete, its given my life a whole new purpose and meaning. I can't wait to see what the next twelve months has in store for us!


Happy birthday gorgeous boy!!!! I can't believe he is one already!!!!! We are right behind you!!!
Bought my lil man his first paur of proper shoes today! I figured now that he's walking we had better get it sorted. Also got him a pair of sandals for holiday too. Baby shoes are just the cutest!

Holiday was amazing! Cam was such a good boy and had a great time!

He's walking pretty much everywhere now and got some more teeth on the way. Four more came through on hols and I've just noticed two more are on the way. He doesn't seem to get rosey cheeked when teething anymore?? When he was little his cheeks were brigbt red and so hot when he was teething but not anymore it seems.

He is trying desperately to talk,- he will say mama, dada, no and woof at the moment. But he will try and copy you all the time. He's constantly babbling away to himself, its so cute.

I've started to get his xmas prezzies sorted. I'm so looking foward to xmas this year as he'll be much more aware of everything.

He's growing up so quickly its scary. I was looking at toddler beds online yesterday. I know its a littke way off but I can't believe I'm even thinking about it!!

The big boss has been having individual meetings with everyone at work and now wants evidence and more details from us all about the bullying from our old boss. I reckon she's on her way out! :dance: woohoo!!

My baby is def not a baby anymore. He's a proper little toddler- temper tantrums and all! Lol!

He's so independant and wants to do everything for himself. He tries to clean his own teeth, brush his own hair and clean his own ears! Lol! Needless to say I don't let him do his ears- he fair rams in the cotton bud! Not good!

His vocab gets better daily- we now have mama, dada, no, woof, taz, dylan, marley, ginger, please, ta, hiya and hey but he will try and copy everything! Its just the cutest fhing.

His seperation anxiety seems to have greatly improved and I can now put him to bed awake without him having a meltdown!

His temper tantrums are exhausting though! He gets so frustrated so easily and always seems to be doing something he shouldn't! Lol!

He's had his first sleepover at grandma and grandads and was a good boy. Mummy coped well with it too ;-)

Christmas is just around the corner and life is great :)

So Christmas was brilliant! A big busy family affair and it was great. Mind you I'm glad its over now and its just me, hubby and Cam for the week.

I am so broody right now its unreal. Every now and then I get it into my head that i might be preggers and I'm like it at the mo, so much so I even took a test. Negative of course! Hubby doesn't want any more children for various reasons and I can come up with a good few why we shouldn't too but I want another baby so badly atm. I even burst into tears talking to hubby about it! Its such a horrible feeling, wanting something so badly but knowing you'll never get it. I don't think oh will change his mind but I cling to the small, tiny chance that he might...
Cameron escaped from his high chair tonight. The straps were still done up so goodness knows how he did it! Cheeky little houdini! He got a little bump/ graze on his head and a mark by his ear but bright as a button. I guess I'm properly initiated now- every baby has to fall or roll out of or off of something at least once... or twice right? His talking is coming along brilliantly and if you say to him 'can you say...' he will try and copy the word you say! So sweet!

The dog ate some of his crayons today! Random!!

On a brilliant note, I was very brave today and I am so so proud of myself. I have had lots of issues with my boss/supervisor bullying over the last few years and today I had a courageous conversation with her. It didn't go well in as much as she was incredibly defensive and unreceptive to what I had to say but it took a lot of courage for me to talk to her about it. She tried to turn everything round on me stating that my attitude towards her was wrong but I stood my ground and didn't back down. She had an opportunity to start to put things right and quite frankly she blew it big time. But, at least she now knows that she can no longer walk all over me and I'm not going to take it lying down any more! Yaaay! Go me!! :dance:

Thankfully my broody episode is over! I know that having just the one baby is best, as things are so good right now and we've not had to make any real sacrifices since having Cam. If we were to have another there's a few things I would have to stop and I really enjoy them so it would be a shame. Right now I have the best of both worlds :)

The two girls who are preggers at work are having their last day tomorrow. We are having a lil party/ baby shower for them. I've done the prezzie shopping so i hope they both like their gifts.

My lil man continues to amaze me evry day. He has got such a character! He's so independant and gets so easily frustrated and then has epic tantrums but we are working through it.

I've been thinking about potty training. He's not showing any signs that he's ready yet though but I was considering getting a potty just so he's used to it being around and sitting on it etc.

His vocab continues to grow- mama, dada, woof, no, hello, hiya, bye bye, night night, please, ta, taz, dylan, marley, cairo, pia, ginger , and he will copy allsorts too - juice, shoes,, bath, teeth, nose, grapes, biscuit, banana, grandma, grandad. Mummy's lil genius!

Love my lil man so much sometimes it hurts!


Well at eighteen months, my little man has well and truly hit the terrible twos!

He doesn't want to have his nappy changed, get dressed, brush his hair, clean his teeth, sit in his highchair, wear a bib etc etc.

He is fighting me on everything and my god is it draining. I lost my temper and shouted at him the other day and then I feel so guikty for getting cross with him fhaf I end p in tears.

Also, the other day he managed to get a huge (think horror movie huge) knife from off the side :shock:
I got a nice cut on my finger getting it off him but thankfully he didn't get hurt. I felt physically sick, it was horrible. I didn't even think he could reach up to the.side. I was in floods of tears telling my oh about it. I felt like the most shit mum in the world!

I was bagging up his 12-18 month clothes as he's now gone up a size. Even though he's just gone into the new ones, the others already looked so small. I must take him in for his feet to be measurer again soon too.

His talking is coning along great and he's started to ask for things by name now- mainly juice and narnie (banana) but its a good start.

I've settled into my new role at work really well and despite feeling like the angel of death, having had to PTS 10 so far, I am really enjoying it. Sarah continues to be a constant thorn in my side but I know I just need to stay strong and stand up to her when she's talking to me out of order. No doubt things will turn nasty again soon as they always do. Thankfully the behaviour dept know so that will help to make my life easier.

All in all things are ok at the monent. A bit stressful but hey ho.

No news on the baby front yet. Due date was the fourth and nothing yet...

Cam is nineteen months old! He's closer to being two than being one! Aaaargh!! He's growing so quickly!

He's saying loads of words now: mama, mumny, dada, daddy, dog, cat, meow, woof, Cairo, Pia, hello, hiya, bye bye, night night, shoes, oh no, uh oh, no, please, ta, juice, snack, orange, biscuit, grape, narnie (banana), bath, teeth, poo, come out and he copies loads too! He's a proper little chatterbox. I'm going to do a trawl around the charity shops and try and find him some nice books as he's starting to show an interest in them now and will point and copy words.

He's started to tell me poo when he's pooped and will take off his trousers and on a couple of occasions has told me before he's been so I don't think we'll be too far off potty training him. Will have to get him a potty soon and one for mum and dads house too.

He's now sleeping with a pillow and a duvet rather than sleeping bags although I still have to cover him over svery night when we go to bed. He's such a little fidget!

He's a proper little boy! So adventurous and into everything! Climbing is our new favourite game- we've mastered the sofa, dining room chairs and have attempted (and been told not to climb on) the nest of tables in the living room. I swear one day soon I'm going to turn around and see him stood in the middle of the dining room table!

Tantrums are still a big part of our day but I'm just doing my best to get through it. I know he just gets frustrated and obviously he isn't old enough to have a filter yet so when he's mad he just goes for it! I'm hoping now that his talking is improving his tantrums will lessen as he can communicate better.

The babies have both arrived safe and sound :) I went to see R on Weds and she is just gorgeous! My feelings of failure have sadly resurfaced though. C delivered without assistance and is successfully bf. I had the familiar pang of sadness at my complete inability to do either. I feel so let down by my body. C fed while I was there and I couldn't help but compare and I swear my boobs totally don't function properly. My nipples didn't darken, I went up a cup size while pg but this didn't change once I had birthed and my milk 'came in', they never felt any different at all! I couldn't feed Cam myself as he lost weight due to inadequate supply. I think that my desire to have another baby stems from this. I didn't feel at all broody cuddling R but was so broody seeing the girls pregnant. I just want to do the pregnancy bit and birth bit again. I want to try bf again but I know I may not necessarily be successful second time around. I feel I want a second chance to get those bits right but I don't really want to have another baby. I know all these feelings will lessen and die down again and its just raw at the moment because the lo's have just arrived. I was talking to my cousin about it the other day and nearly broke down in tears! Need to get a grip for goodness sake! It was nineteen months ago, it shouldn't still bother me and I know none of it was my fault but it is still tough, especially as I know I'll not have another go at it.

Baby Bean had his first hair cut yesterday. I left it for as long as I could but it was starting to go in his eyes and it was so long at the back it was starting to curl and I could probably have tied it into a pony tail! Lol! Auntie Pamela cut it for him and he was a really good boy and sat nice and still. He looks so grown up now!

His talking is brilliant. I'm loosing track of all the words he can say and he's learning new ones all the time. He can now ask for things by name which helps him to feel less frustrated.

We went to an agility comp over easter and it was really good fun but also a bit tough with cam. Only because he now gets bored more quickly so wasn't quite so happy just to sit and watch the dogs running and he doesn't sleep as much either. He wasn't a naughty boy, he was just a toddler! Cairo went up to senior over Easter and I'm so chuffed with him, he's such a good boy!

I just cannot get over how quickly my little man is growing up!

His talking is coming on great guns and he's saying new words every day!

He copies, dances and identifies animals and objects and loves making animal sounds!

He's even sarted to put a few words together now, this morning I sneezed and he said bless you mummy. Yesterday I was upstairs and he shouted up to me mummy are you alright?

One things for sure, he's a strong willed and stroppy litle bugger! He's testing his boundaries like nobodys business. Its so wearing having to battle hin on everything! I struggle to keep my cool sometimes!

Poor little mite was unwell this week, some sort of virus the doc said. Temp, rash and diarrhoea. I hate him being poorly but I made the most of him being so cuddly!

Can't believe he'll be turning two soon!!! :shock:

Taken littke man swimming the last two weeks. I'm going to try abd take him every week because I think he'll love it once he's more confident. Don't think it will take long as he's better this week already!

He gets fed up of me holding him but won't wear his floats so I can't put him down because he can't touch the bottom yet! He just doesn't get that he'll sink! He really wants to jump in all the.time bht wants to jump where mummy isn't! Again, he just doesn't get why he can't just throw himself in like some of the other kids were. Bless!

I keep thinking about his birthday and what prezzies to get him. I could honestly spoil that little boy rotten, so I have to keep mysekf reigned in! Thinking about a bike/ trike thing or a toy kitchen perhaps as his main prezzie. Maybe some playdough? Some books?

I just can't believe my baby is nearly two. Where has the time gone? He's a proper little boy now! A confident happy little boy who has a huge personality! He learns new words evry day is developing at a rate of knots! I guess I'll seriously have to think about potty training him soon! Eekk!

Aaargh!! Cam will be two next month!! Two!! I just can't believe it!

I've got my eye on a toddler bed for him on ebay atm. His cot mattress is the lowest it will go but when he stands up and leans over the side, he looks like he's on the verge of toppling over! The only thing is I'm not sure how I'll keep him in a bed! He goes down awake for naps and at bedtime but is obviously contained in a cot. I can't see him staying put awake in a bed!

Swimming was a disaster last time! He hates his swim floats with a passion and had a total meltdown when I put them on him! He screamed and flailer around and started crying! Everyone was looking at us which was so embarassing! I took them off in the end! I'm going to have a look for a different swim jacket or swimsuit with floats built in and see if he is a bit more comfortable in it. He keeps talking about going 'schweemin' whenever I say we are going out so I think he must enjoy it. He went in the paddling swimming pool at the park and was loving it! He fell over in the water a couple of times but wasn't worried! I didn't enjoy our last swimming session at all so I'm really hoping the new floats will help.

I'm finding him such hard work atm. He is still fighting me on most things, ignores me all the time and has started running away from me. I honestly struggle to keep my cool sometimes and I always seem to be telling him off for something and end up shouting at him! Then I end up feeling guilty for shouting at him :-( There seem to be baby bumps everywhere I look and I always feel so broody and think I want another one when I see them, but then Cam will have a naughty day and I think to myself how would I cope with Cam and a baby? I know having another one is not a good idea in so many ways - financially and practically it would be so tough bht I'm going through one of my broody phases where I kid myself into thinking it will all be fine. Hope it passes soon because I hate feeling like this!

Well we did it! Cam is in a bed!

He's bee so good ad stayed in it overnight ad for his nap today. Long may it continue!

He looks so teeny in the big bed!

He's growing up too fast and is most certainly not a baby anymore! I reckon that's why I'm so broody!

Well done Cam.... Awww, such a big boy!

We've been really naughty and James sleeps with us so we're thinking we may just opt for a toddler bed soon? Not just yet mind.

Glad the swimming is going well. We only noticed how much James loved the water when we went away, so now we're making much more of an effort to take him.

Sounds like Cam is doing amazingly, kudos to Mummy (and Daddy) of course and he learns from you

Well Friday is swimming day but we won't be going today as I have a dodgy tum this morning :-(

Second night in big bed went well! I heard him chattering at 7 as i left to walk the dogs but when I went in to get him up at 7.30 he was still sat on his bed! Bless him!

The few times I've shared a bed with Cam I've slept terribly! He takes ages to get to sleep if I'm there and always tries to sleep on my face!!! Last time he woke up at 4.45 :shock: We were at an agility competition in the caravan with my mum so he woke her up too!! Oops!

Awww, your last comment is so sweet! Thanks hun! I hope we are doing the best by him. Such pressure to be a good mummy!

So little man turned two yesterday!

For his birthday he had a talking Thomas, Thomas PJ's, a swim suit with built in floats, some play dough and cutters and a trip to Paignton Zoo! He loved seeing all the animals and riding on the train! We had a great day and I'm so glad Cam enjoyed himself. Bless him he was so tired when we got home he was so tearful and cuddly!

I just can't believe that he is two! I can't believe it! He's growing up so quickly and has such a cheeky character! A proper little comedian!!

Two years old already! bloody hell!!

My little man is not so little any more!

His talking is amazing and he knows so many words. He's learned the words to lots of nursery rhymes and the theme tune to Thomas the Tank!!

He has figured out that it is OK to get out of his bed in the mornings now and comes running in to us in the mornings! Its so sweet to hear his little feet thumping across the landing! The first morning he came into us I didn't hear him coming and didn't know he was there until he hollered 'Hello Mummy' in my face! He have me such a fright I practically had to peel myself off the ceiling!

His new float suit for swimming has been a real hit! He's so happy and confident in the water and I don't need to hold him at all. He floats about and kicks his little legs and swims about! I actually enjoy taking him swimming now whereas I used to dread it!

He's growing up so quickly it's unreal. Hopefully next year he will become a big brother too! He is the most gorgeous little boy ever and I'm so lucky to be mummy to be such a scrummy lil man!

'I not tired' is our new favourite phrase it would seem! He is getting naughty when it comes to staying in bed and we are having to put him back into bed multiple times before he will settle. It's the same for his naps too. Still we are pretty lucky because once he goes down we don't hear from him until the morning.

But look at how cute my lil man is!


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