Cam is nineteen months old! He's closer to being two than being one! Aaaargh!! He's growing so quickly!
He's saying loads of words now: mama, mumny, dada, daddy, dog, cat, meow, woof, Cairo, Pia, hello, hiya, bye bye, night night, shoes, oh no, uh oh, no, please, ta, juice, snack, orange, biscuit, grape, narnie (banana), bath, teeth, poo, come out and he copies loads too! He's a proper little chatterbox. I'm going to do a trawl around the charity shops and try and find him some nice books as he's starting to show an interest in them now and will point and copy words.
He's started to tell me poo when he's pooped and will take off his trousers and on a couple of occasions has told me before he's been so I don't think we'll be too far off potty training him. Will have to get him a potty soon and one for mum and dads house too.
He's now sleeping with a pillow and a duvet rather than sleeping bags although I still have to cover him over svery night when we go to bed. He's such a little fidget!
He's a proper little boy! So adventurous and into everything! Climbing is our new favourite game- we've mastered the sofa, dining room chairs and have attempted (and been told not to climb on) the nest of tables in the living room. I swear one day soon I'm going to turn around and see him stood in the middle of the dining room table!
Tantrums are still a big part of our day but I'm just doing my best to get through it. I know he just gets frustrated and obviously he isn't old enough to have a filter yet so when he's mad he just goes for it! I'm hoping now that his talking is improving his tantrums will lessen as he can communicate better.
The babies have both arrived safe and sound
I went to see R on Weds and she is just gorgeous! My feelings of failure have sadly resurfaced though. C delivered without assistance and is successfully bf. I had the familiar pang of sadness at my complete inability to do either. I feel so let down by my body. C fed while I was there and I couldn't help but compare and I swear my boobs totally don't function properly. My nipples didn't darken, I went up a cup size while pg but this didn't change once I had birthed and my milk 'came in', they never felt any different at all! I couldn't feed Cam myself as he lost weight due to inadequate supply. I think that my desire to have another baby stems from this. I didn't feel at all broody cuddling R but was so broody seeing the girls pregnant. I just want to do the pregnancy bit and birth bit again. I want to try bf again but I know I may not necessarily be successful second time around. I feel I want a second chance to get those bits right but I don't really want to have another baby. I know all these feelings will lessen and die down again and its just raw at the moment because the lo's have just arrived. I was talking to my cousin about it the other day and nearly broke down in tears! Need to get a grip for goodness sake! It was nineteen months ago, it shouldn't still bother me and I know none of it was my fault but it is still tough, especially as I know I'll not have another go at it.