My lil Man- Cameron Elliot

Yeeey go Cameron!!! Love the dogs lol!!!did he manage to eat any?
Can't wait for her to be 6m and to completely wean her eventually from that milk! Maybe then she will actually ask for it lol...
Good boy cam!
My poor family... we are all poorly :-(

Cam has been ill for nearly 2 weeks. Its just a cold but a bloody nasty one. Me and hubby thought we were actually dying!! Lol!!

Cam otherwise is doing so well, growing and doing new things every day. He is such a funny little chap and has me in stitches all the time!! He is loving weaning and doing really well at having purees as well as feeding himself finger foods.

I've got my second back to work meeting on monday so fingers crossed they accept this proposal as the first one was rejected. Stressed much!!!

oh my God you are still all poorly?? :hug: I hope you will all fell better soon. More pictures of Cameron I need please !!!
Fx everything at work will go perfect this time.
Yep still all got the lurgie!!

They are a bit blurry but here he is. You can see his teeth a bit too!!


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Thanks hun.

Even poorly he still looks soooo scrummy! I however resemble some sort of drippy swamp monster!! Lol!!

We can be swamp monsters together! I don't think I have brushed my hair this week? Just tied it up :( one thing I'm looking forward to going back to work will be to get nice and ready each day.

Have you any weekend plans?xxx
No plans, just trying to shift this bloody cold!

Going shopping on tuesday to try and find a dress for my brothers wedding. I can't believe my baby brother is getting married :shock:

I'm going to cry sooooo much! I've been asked to do a reading, god knows how I'll manage! In between sobs i guess! Lol!

Are you doing anything over the weekend?

There's so much going about isn't there!!
Oh how lovely. Have you seen any you like? I'm on a dress hint for a wedding too! Love a good wedding. Is it a big wedding? I'd be terrified speaking in front of people.
It's my OH birthday tomorrow. So iv made a cake. We're having a day in the house then out for dinner with the in-laws and my mum and sis. Hope William behaves haha xx
Omg he is gorgeous!look at those cheeks and that proud no so gummy anymore smile :love: love him!
Haven't written in here for ages!!

My lil man is growing up too quick!!! He can sit up, roll, has six teeth and is very nearly crawling!

I go back to work next week and I can't believe my maternity leave is over already! Thankfully I'm only going back three days a week and Cam will either be with my mum or my hubby which is a big weight off my mind. I am a little anxious but not feeling too bad, mind you it will probably be a different story next week when the time comes!

We took him to the park today and he went on the swings. It was great fun. We are also going swimming on Wednesday. It will be the first time, so I hope he enjoys it. He loves splashing about in the bath so fx that's a good sign.

My brothers wedding was an amazing day and Cameron looked so sweet in his five piece suit. He is just so gorgeous. I never thought it would be possible to love a person as much as I love him. Its overwhelming. I almost feel as if I could burst sometimes when I look at him.

I'm doing well atm and feeling like my old self again. Hubby said to me the other day that he thinks I'm doing well as I'm not being weird any more! Lol! Once I'm settled in work I'll hopefully start coming off my meds and fx things keep going in the right direction.

Such a lovely update! I hope Cam enjoys swimming too. It might take him time to get used to it.
That's good your feeling your old self. Really positive. Good Luck going back to work. I am dreading it too. 2 weeks on Tuesday. Could cry at the thought but I'm sure once we have been back a few weeks it will just be the new norm?xx
So, we have eight teeth, have just about mastered crawling and can pull ourselves up using the sofa!! Clever lil man! :) He is growing up so quickly its scary! He gets better at things every day, it amazes me how quickly he learns to do things.

Being back at work has been ok but the last two days have not been so good. Meltdowns and tears have occurred but thankfully not in public, so I've been saved any far! I was doing so well before so I'm just hoping this is a bit of a blip and I can get back on track soon. I guess its just an adjustement period that I'll have to get through and then fx I'll be ok. I'll tell you what though, I am beyond fed up of being soooo tired all the time! Its ridiculous!!! No matter how early or late i go to bed or how early or late i get up, i am always exhausted!! I'm wondering if it may be a side effect of my meds perhaps? Regardless, its annoying!

We had a stay in hospital last week. Cam had a nasty infection in his penis and they thought he might need iv antibiotics and a circumsition. Thankfully it didn't come to that though. It was awful being in hospital although Cam seemed to cope ok. Providing there is no scarring or reoccurrance, they will leave him be. Fx it was just a one off.

Oh and he loved swimming! It was great fun! Can't wait to take him again!

Yeahy for all those lovely teeth and learning new things!!!!!
He's such a clever boy.
Glad your work is ok-ish? Maybe it's just been overwhelming and things just sinking in? Hope it passes soon.
Glad he loved swimming. I haven't taken w for ages as he is going through a phase of having a meltdown when you lye him down. Changing his bum and getting him dressed are so stressful :( xx
We have mastered crawling! There's no stopping him now!

He's at quite a challenging stage atm as he wants to be on the go all the time and gets very cross at having to lie still. Nappy changes are an epic battle as he keeps trying to crawl off and escape! His temper tantrums are quite impressive! He's also decided that he doesn't like having his face wiped and he will try and bite! :shock:

Our holiday is all booked and our passports have arrived. My stepson is coming too which is great, so it will be a proper family holiday- me, oh, cam, my stepson, my mum and dad and my brother and his wife! My ss doesn't know he's coming yet, so we'll suprise him with the news when we have him this weekend and get his passport photos done!

Hopefully going swimming on Sunday now thaf Cam is better. Can't wait!!

Not popped on here for ages! How are you and Cam?zzz
My lil man is growing up so quickly! Can't believe he'll be one next month! Still at eight teeth, crawling and cruising and he can also stand completely unaided for brief periods too. I don't think it will be long before he tries to walk. He's figured out how to open the drawers and cupboards and how to climb the stairs! A baby proofing session is in order me thinks!

We've been havnig a tough time with putting him bed as he gets really upset when we leave the room. We've had a few nights this week where he's gone down really well so I'm hoping we're getting over this.

His biting and temper tantrums haven't improved any! Infact I'm sporting a pretty mark on my arm from his episode this morning! Naughty boy biting mummy!!

All in all things are pretty good right now :)

My little boy will be one year old next week!! Where does the time go????? This time last year I was overdue and willing him to arrive!! He's got a new beaker, a push along walker, a xylaphone and a foam shape playmat. Hope he likes them.

He's taken his first few steps and I'm so proud of him. If I load it for him he'll feed himself with a fork and yesterday he dunked a spoon into a yogurt pot by himself! Ok, so he threw it at me afterwards instead of eating it, but hey we're half way there! He's got such a character and maks me laugh everyday! He's trying so hard to speak and is constantly jabbering away to himself. Still no more teeth yet but I think there may be some rumbling going on in the toothypegs department, so I'm expecting more soon. Just my luck it will be while we are away on holiday!

Bedtimes are still a bit of a battle but he has gone down a couple of times awake without issue so I'm hoping he'll be over this phase soon. His nap time routine has gone out of the window too but we've just got to go with it.

In May he had an episode of balanitis and was admitted to hospital for a night. He has currently got another infection so I'm hoping that this isn't going to be a reoccuring thing as it may well lead to surgery in the future if it continues to flare up.

I'm now antidepressant free and doing settled back in at work and generally doing really well. Our new manager is just lovely and the old manager who is now in a supervisory role has been signed off sick for a few weeks so I've not seen her at all really. Aparantly she's off with work related stress. I have no sympathy for her at all, infact I couldn't give a flying fuck about her. She's burned all her bridges with the staff here through being such a cold hearted bully so she's got very little support from everyone but she only has herself to blame. I refuse to be intimidated by her anymore. She can take a running jump as far as I'm concerned. I'm not taking any shit from her anymore and she'll get the shock of her life if she tries anything with me! My life is pretty much perfect at the moment and no-one is going to ruin it for me!!

We are decorating at the moment and gradually making our way through the whole house so its all going to be looking lovely. The living room is done and the bathroom is very nearly finished. Next is the kitchen and hallway!

We are off to Majorca on the first of September for ten days! ! I am soooo looking foward to it. A little nervous about travelling with a one year old but I'm sure it will be fine. Need to be very strict and sensible with packing though. I think some list writing is in order and outfit planning!

All in all things are great at the moment and I am so very happy :) #lovinglife :)


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