My last appointment at the hospital PLEASE GOD!

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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I'm back from what will hopefully be my last hospital appointment.

It went perfectly. The placenta/cord function and fluid levels are normal and he is growing perfectly. The Dr was very apologetic saying how sorry she was that I'd had to come back and forth so many times etc when there was nothing actually wrong. I told her I understood it was all with the best of intentions so I'm not cross in any way.

It does make me wonder how many women would dare to refuse induction and question the Drs.....I mean her opening gambit 2 weeks ago was 'you're not going to like me......I want to induce you.....' Thank goodness m immediate reaction was to say no. It would have been easier on their resources to have me in the next day and induced rather than the repeat appointments and extra scans but what price not having my baby taken from my womb where he's perfectly safe......

I had another S&S and I'm 2cm and he's 2/5 so almost engaged. I dont think he'll be long now :)

Anyway we're just finishing bits and bats here - putting up the long awaited blind in Sid's room, relaxing with fresh pineapple and a large glass of red as recommended by the consultant.....see I do listen to them when it suits ;)
come on then baby!!!! im so excited for yours to start i keep forgetting i will be in labour in next couple of weeks too!!! and a glass of red?! may have to force myself....;)
Wahay, hopefully he will be here soon, how nice does a large glass of red sound - sooooo good. Really pleased it went well x
come on sid, time's up!! you must be lookin pretty hot, all these MWs are queuing up to give you sweeps :lol:
I think there is a lesson for us all in your story and i wonder how many c-sections are down to this rush to get babes out too early when there is no need. Glad everthing is well with Sid, enjoy your glass of red and pineapple - not long now you must be so excited to hold your little man x
:whistle: *toon waits patiently for lisa's waters to break or labour to start* no pressure like how :rofl: xx
I've had the red.....pineapple started and off for a hot lavender bath now ;)
Get OH to work some magic on you, a decent 'O' can get the uterus going tee heeeee xx
Call me a bit thick but how can the consultant tell if - "The placenta/cord function and fluid levels are normal" I can understand they could see how much liquid is left inside from a scan, but how do they tell with the other bits?

Hope you enjoy your evening, I guessed it would be friday, I think I said 7 something , come on Sid!

Ha I love the rabbit too! I think every lady should get one for their Hen do!
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whey aye, the vibrations might flush him out :rofl: xx
jj they do something called a doppler scan which is an ultrasound just the same but they check the blood flow and pulses to the cord and placenta. :)
Do u want me to send leeroy over!? That'd get u started :rofl: x

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