My gorgeous munchkin Harry :) My body finally did something right!!!

Pics from this month :)

1 with grandpa (my dad)


1 from last week when we went out to eat


And one from the play gym today - it was hard to get a decent photo as he wouldn't stay still!!

baby gym.jpg

Love my Harry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think Harry has started to say words! The other day he was looking at a picture of a duck and he said duck! I repeated duck several times and he kept on saying a word that sounded like duck, so it wasn't just a one off. Also when we sing old macdonald has a farm, sometimes he says ee aye, ee aye o! It's so sweet and funny :D So excited that my little boy is starting to communicate verbally :D xxx ps I told DH his first word might be duck and he said he thought his first worst was 'dad' as Harry says 'dad' all the time, but he says it just as a sound and not when DH is there, so not sure if it counts as his first word? I let DH think it was dad though :) xxx
oh lovely happy birthday HARRY, what lovely photos! Hope youve had a lovely time .
x Daisy
I haven't updated for a while and still always so tired at the end of the day but want to just write a little about Harry's progress. He's now walking more and more confidently (God help me!) and we just bought him a pair of cruising shoes from Clarks. It's so funny having him walking around (he looks like a little old man lol) but he seems to enjoy it and I love holding his little hand and walking round the room with him :) On top of 'duck' and 'ee ii, ee ii' I think he's now said 'biscuit' which I've heard him say a few times. He does also seem to be copying other things we say or trying to - it's so funny :) He's happy a lot of the time and is so curious about everything. His middle name is still 'no!' He's so much more fun to be with than when he was tiny and I love trying to find ways to make him laugh. When he's in his high chair, he likes it when I dance for him and he thinks it's funny to kick my head when I'm cleaning the floor underneath him! He's started climbing the stairs (with one of us behind him of course!) and also climbing on other things too. I love watching him develop but I am quite worried about how I'm going to manage with running around after him once he picks up speed. Oh well, cross that bridge I guess.
Anyway think I will leave it here, but really looking forward to what next year will bring for Harry. Love the fact that he's understanding more and more and starting to talk. As I said to a friend yesterday, being a mum is bloody hard, but also bloody amazing and it really is the best thing I've ever done :D

Happy Christmas everyone and wishing you all a wonderful 2014 :D xxxxx
Happy christmas , he sounds like a lovely little boy.
hope you have abrilliant year.
x Daisy
I don't com eon here much now, but just needed to write down some stuff about my Harry as he's changing so much and want to try and remember some of it at least. Where to start...

Well, first the good stuff. He's doing so well with his words! So proud and excited to watch him learn and develop so well. He says 'duck' all the time now and knows a duck when he sees it in a picture or as a toy. It's his favourite words and he says it even when there aren't ducks,except he says it 'guck' which is so cute. He also likes watching the birds out the window, points at them and says 'bird' and a couple of times 'birdie'. he says daddy a lot and I he says it when he sees his dad which my DH loves - no mummy yet, but have heard some possible noises in that direction. He says 'tea' for any drink although he does love drinking real tea! He also says shoe, ball, and possibly teeth and dog. Plus he seems to be copying new words all the time - he's trying to say button, but it just comes out 'butt!' and biscuit is 'bith' with a lispe! It's amazing that he's started to communicate with us and to be honest I'm surprised he's coming a long so quickly as I though boys were slower to start talking than girls, but I guess not in all cases!

He's started climbing and wants to do it at any opportunity, which means you can't turn your back for a second! he even tries to climb on things that are too high - he'll give it a go. And he's really picking up speed too, so you have to walk quite quickly to keep up with him.

I'm struggling quite a bit with keeping up with him as he's just non stop and my health is pretty crappy again. I'm taking him to groups, but it exhausts me having to chase round after him. Thankfully my parents are helping me out a lot still, but God, I think the next year or so will be very challenging for me physically! It's also quite challenging emotionally as everything is a fight now. He's never liked having his nappy changed, clothes put on, being told no etc, but as he gets stronger and more wilful, it's getting harder to manage him. He really does seem to want to do his own thing all the time, purposefully doing the opposite of what we want him to do, or perhaps I'm imagining it.

Weaning is tricky too as he is quite fussy and when I try to introduce him to new things he doesn't want to know. The HV said let him feed himself more, but yesterday when I stuck a pile of pasta bolognaise on his tray, prepared for a big mess, he cried and wouldn't even touch it! Not sure what I'm going to do about it - maybe post a question here!

So, my little Harry, he may not be the easiest of babies to handle, but he makes me smile and laugh every day, more than I ever have before and when he only wants me because I'm his mum, or when he smiles at me, I can't describe how amazing that makes me feel. I am blessed to have such a gorgeous little boy, so bright and inquisitive, healthy(apart from his eternally runny nose) and happy :) I know it's a cliché but he's the best thing I've ever done! :D

That's it for now xxx
You know I never pop in here and I am so glad I did to read your update, it's funny isn't it, I always thought things would get easier when they got older, ha how wrong was I! I totally stmpathise with the struggle of nappy changing and getting dressed, it takes us ages! Iv just started allowing archie to feed himself with a spoon, I give him one and I have one, I tend to give him a spoon off mine then fill his spoon and allow himto feed himself which has Soto a treat. Good luck with it, he will get there, gorgeous professional pics on fb btw xx
Hi Claire,

Lovely to "see" you and hear how Harry is getting on. Any piccies? :lol:

I totally agree with mrsv about it getting harder not easier.

James delights me every single day but he is a complete handful... he is a climber and a jumper :shock: Although just recently he has learnt the proper way to get down off of couch and bed... before that he'd just jump!!

They are just bundles of energy at this age with no real means of communicating what they want.

It is also time for another leap (64 weeks?). James was fine through all his leaps bar the past two :wall2:

The food thing I wouldn't worry about too much. Does he eat if he is fed? We did BLW but James has now decided at dinner time he prefers to be fed!

As long as Harry is growing nicely and is healthy don't stress too much. You never see adults being fed at dinner tables do you? :lol:

I am glad you are enjoying being a Mummy, it is the hardest thing but indeed the most rewarding. I've never known a love like it.

You know I never pop in here and I am so glad I did to read your update, it's funny isn't it, I always thought things would get easier when they got older, ha how wrong was I! I totally stmpathise with the struggle of nappy changing and getting dressed, it takes us ages! Iv just started allowing archie to feed himself with a spoon, I give him one and I have one, I tend to give him a spoon off mine then fill his spoon and allow himto feed himself which has Soto a treat. Good luck with it, he will get there, gorgeous professional pics on fb btw xx

Thanks for popping on hon :) I've tried giving Harry a spoon but he just thinks it's a game and won't eat from it! Hopefully in a couple of months! Thanks for compliments about the pics - am really happy with them :) xxx
Hi Claire,

Lovely to "see" you and hear how Harry is getting on. Any piccies? :lol:

I totally agree with mrsv about it getting harder not easier.

James delights me every single day but he is a complete handful... he is a climber and a jumper :shock: Although just recently he has learnt the proper way to get down off of couch and bed... before that he'd just jump!!

They are just bundles of energy at this age with no real means of communicating what they want.

It is also time for another leap (64 weeks?). James was fine through all his leaps bar the past two :wall2:

The food thing I wouldn't worry about too much. Does he eat if he is fed? We did BLW but James has now decided at dinner time he prefers to be fed!

As long as Harry is growing nicely and is healthy don't stress too much. You never see adults being fed at dinner tables do you? :lol:

I am glad you are enjoying being a Mummy, it is the hardest thing but indeed the most rewarding. I've never known a love like it.


Thanks for popping by Nat :) you must be a lot busier now you're working and being a mummy! That's funny about James preferring to be fed - they've really got their own little minds don't they... I'm sure we'll get there in the end with weaning - he eats a reasonable amount of spoon fed foods, but it's just feeding himself we are having issues with as he won't try anything new. Like you say, we all manage it in the end somehow! I have some pics from a professional photographer that we had done last week - I'll post some of those soon as they're amazing! Would recommend it and she's not very expensive if you want info let me know - she's in Milton Keynes :) xx
We're going to get some professional ones done when we have number 2. Can't afford two lots :lol: :lol:

I always keep up to date with Harry, it's lovely to see how he has grown and hear all the things he is up to

We're going to get some professional ones done when we have number 2. Can't afford two lots :lol: :lol:

I always keep up to date with Harry, it's lovely to see how he has grown and hear all the things he is up to


I always like to see what's going on with James too :) he kind of reminds me a bit of Harry in the way he looks. Will post some pics soon and see what you think. I know photographers are normally expensive but this one is £40 for the session and all the photos on CD which isn't bad! Still don't blame you for waiting for number 2 to arrive! xx
Finally got round to posting a few of my favourite pics from the photoshoot we had about a month ago...

IMG_0187 copy email.jpg

IMG_0405 copy email.jpg

IMG_0485 copy email.jpg

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IMG_0586 copy email.jpg

They are amazing pictures Claire, I am so impressed.

You all look so happy and I adore the B&W piccie.

We can't get a decent pic of James at the moment, he is either on the move or wants to investigate the camera / phone...

Will def invest in some professional pics if we get another sticky bean :lol:

Thanks hon :) It was hard to get Harry to stay still for these pics, but we managed a few good ones in the end... Hope you get your sticky bean before too long and definitely get some pics done when you can xxx
15 month update I guess :) So Harry has over 20 words now and keeps on trying to say new ones. his favourite ones are duck, bird, ball, bunny (which sounds like byeee) and 'iss' (this) when he wants something - he's also finally started to say mama, which he often says as mamamamama when I come into the room :) It makes my heart burst with joy every time! He knows quite a few animals noises and wants to constantly sing old macdonald - to say I'm sick of it is an understatement, but we do what we have to do to keep them happy! He still walks like he's drunk and makes me laugh as he bumbles around the room looking for trouble. He's become a little more affectionate and me and DH get a couple of cuddles from time to time. I love it when he comes up to me and hugs my knees :D not that often but amazing when he does. We've been getting out to groups a lot, even though I'm still not well a lot. I find it easier sometimes being out with him than in as he gets on with his playing and I enjoy chatting to other mums. I've started to make a few friends and am feeling fairly settled in my new home now. Just need my health to improve as usual!
I'm just loving this age that Harry is now. He's a pretty happy little chappy most of the time and giggles a lot when you play with him. He loves reading too,that and watching TV are the only times he stays still! He's just so funny and cute that I don't want him to grow up sometimes and I know I'll miss this age a lot, but it's hard too, as he has started to have proper tantrums when he doesn't get his way and he's still too young to explain things to, so I'm looking forward to being able to do that.

Can't think of anything else to say, but all is good in the world of Harry right now :) xxx
AWW adoreable.So gladthings are going well and you have made it out to mums group and are talking to folks again. He seems like such a lovely boy and its awesome to see you so in love with him. x Daisy
I can't believe it's been 6 months since I updated! Where has that time gone? I don't really come on here these days and just muddle through on my own, but do look in from time to time to see a few old bump buddies updates...

So, Harry is 21 months and speeding towards the terrible 2s! He has been having tantrums for months but they have really ramped up recently and he's discovered screaming :shock: plus, his favourite word is no! But he has good and bad days and on the good days he's an absolute delight who I enjoy so much:). This really is my favourite age so far as it's so rewarding. he makes me laugh and has his own funny little ways. He's doing really well with his talking and has started to make little sentences. It amazes me every day how much he picks up and we really have to watch what we say. We have an encyclopedia of animals and he loves looking at the pictures and can recognise a lot of the animals already, including Orangutangs - he can virtually say that word and Flamingoes which he calls 'Mingos' which cracks me up!
What I love is that I'm still his favourite and he's like a little shadow sometimes. He doesn't like it when I leave the room and is often coming up to me for cuddles :) He has also got closer to his daddy and it's so lovely when he gives him cuddles too.
He is just a ball of energy and hardly stops all day, although he still has his long nap once a day (thank God!)and will sit still for reading and TV. He has started to really enjoy puzzles and his attention span is improving a bit too, so he will play with the same toy for more than 5 minutes now!
As for me, my health is still rubbish and I'm still trying various meds but so far no joy. Although Harry is challenging, he still keeps me going and fills my day with laughter. Still, I'm very glad when he's in bed lol!
Will leave it there, but just thought an update was long overdue! xxx



Awwww Claire, look at him! He is just beautiful.

He sounds like he is thriving. We're still a bit away from sentences.

The terrible twos are fast approaching and James loves a tantrum, thankfully they never last long!

You are doing an amazing job, he is a credit to you


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