My Family is driving me crazy!


Jul 17, 2005
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Hi Ladies,

I have had my mum come to stay with me, from OS for 4 weeks...usually we get along really well. But this trip has been a real strain, i am 37 weeks now and unfortunately i didnt feel up to going out to galleries and shopping etc when she was here. I was pretty snappy, and not at all myself. :cry:
I feel pretty bad. Also in the same month i have had my sister's boyfriend staying from Canada, my brother from Australia (only a couple of days each) and now :shock: my little sister has decided to relocate to London from Canada, a few weeks before i am due and wants to live with me. :x
I let my sister stay two weeks, and helped her find a place to stay, and tried to help her find work (she didnt seem to be trying too hard) she would just sit on the internet at my house for hours!! or have long depressed calls to her boyfriend in canada. Anyway, she is now pissed off with me, and says she cant believe i threw her out on the street (she is 29) i dont care about her etc But my husband and i put off doing up the nursery as everyone was sleeping in that room, i am still waiting on the plasterer and painter and new carpet. And am freaking out the baby will come beore its done Sigh....
does anyone think i have been unreasonable in relation to my sister staying?
I did warn her my mum was stressing me out being here and that it was the worst possible time she could come stay for a few days, let alone indefinetly... but she chose to come anyway.
Now i feel i have done irreperable damage to both relationships. And neither of them seem to understand how i feel at all. They are just annoyed they werent better entretained or couldnt stay here longer....I have had 5 weeks of people hanging out here and i have gone a little mad...
I think my sister has acted pretty irresponsibly, moving here with no job, place to stay and thinking i can prop her up...
What do you think and how can i make her understand...
pinkladybird said:
does anyone think i have been unreasonable in relation to my sister staying?

Not at all, I would be spitting teeth just being put in that situation, it's a bit cheeky and not at all fair on you, especially at this stage of your PG. The priority should be you and the baby and your man.

Families eh, who needs em, mine drive me up the wall to, and I have been helping my brother out on job advice as he is not doing anything himself.

I could respond to for ages on this, as I know how you feel and I think it's normal if not then you and me are grumps :)

As it is you have done really well by hosting your family so near to your EDD. I have three relatives staying over on the 29th but only for one day and night, I could not cope with anymore.

If you want to chat more, drop us a PM.
Dear Minikins,
Thanks for reassuring me I am not being a complete cow. Although i do feel guilty. I hope your relatives help out alot when they come to stay and aren't too much of a hassle. Thanks again PL :o
I would feel guilty too, families have a way of doing that to you.

Don't forget too, you are going to be a mummy of your own soon and you can't be a mummy to your sister too. Easier said than done though, as I do tend to mother my younger brother, but I have a feeling when the bambino is born it will change everthing !

keep me posted !
Is your brother not working? it's hard to try and give advice and not sound preachy, isn't it? you havent got long to go now, are you excited? do you knkow if you are having a boy or a girl? hope all your plans are coming along well!
PL :wink:

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