Had my proper booking in appointment today


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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It was really good, the midwife came to my home and strangely enough, I had been at school with her although she was the year below me. She remembered me before I remembered her though lol. She was really helpful and answered my questions about our booked holiday to Canada in May and all the food related questions my OH asked.

She said that she could try and see if we could listen to the heartbeat (although at 8 weeks it was still very early) and then found out that her doppler-type machine had been removed from her midwife bag :( That would have been quite nice to hear but I reckon it would have been a bit too early and then OH would have freaked and got worried :roll:

She has adjusted my due date so I am actually three days further along than I really am. I worked mine out by my date of ovulation, she did it by the LMP. So my due date is now 3/9/08 :cheer: Need to change my ticker or I'll confuse myself!

I should have my scan date through in about 4 weeks :)
sounds like it went fantastic, you lucky thing getting out ahead 3 days :wink:

:cheer: :cheer:
Ahhh, sounds like it went really well.

It's so exciting isn't it :D
Glad it went well with you, hope you get your scan date though soon!!!!

Ay xx
Thanks girls, it is exciting :D Feels that little bit more real now :cheer:

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