My dad...


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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My dad is.... giving me £500 tomorrow off him and my mum! I cant believe it. Thing is i feel really awful about taking it. I told him that i didnt expect anything especially not that amount of money and i didnt feel comfortable accepting it and he told me not to be ungrateful.

I have savings and OH is on a good wage in the army and as much as it will be a great help i feel like they need it more than we do, but he says he wont take no for an answer... because im moving out next year he says i will need my savings for that (they were originally towards a wedding fund).

I am sooo grateful, and i dont wanna come across ungrateful but they havent got loads of money themselves... God this is a bit of a pointless thread really... its just making me feel like crying for no real reason!!

heidi hi - i dont htink this is a pointless thread. It is wonderful that your dad is helping. This is his grandchild dont forget. He probably just wants you to relax, not be overwhelmed with expense (and we all know that making a baby might be for free....but looking after one is pricey!).

it is a lovely gesture, and shows that he loves you and still wants to help look after you. What a great parental figure!!!! :hugs:
Erimela- Your so right, i know its lovely and hes trying to look after me... I just cant shake it. Makes me think of in my teens when i would ask for money all the time for stupid things and it makes me feel bad about that too. Haha, this baby is turning me into a nutter!

Oh thats nice of them, take it hun it is given with love I am sure xx
thats lovely of him! funilly enough my auntie is giving me £500 as she is quite well off and me and mum are not lol. I feel really funny about taking it but im going to ensure that every penny goes on the baby and the nursery so that it all goes to good use and i have nothing to feel guilty about.

Its a lovely gesture! Dont worry about feeling guilty, its normal, i felt the exact same way. But they are doing it to help out xx

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