

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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My Hubby is doing my head in to the point I want to poke him in the eye :poke:

Everything I say to him he bleedin snaps at me. He works self employed and as I have time off in two weeks I have asked him to take some time off with me so we can spend time together and get things sorted and he is just plain evil. To top it all off he is trying to make me feel guilty as he is working hard to save up my wage shortfall and he says I dont appreciate him :wall2:
men! my Oh is self employed too, getting him to take time off a nightmare, its all about money making at times when in my opinion sometimes other things are more important. i think men have more mood swings than us only they dont have hormones to blame it on :)
sounds like he is stressed about saving up the money- i would feel lucky if that was my bloke- my oh dont even have a job at moment, so im the one trying to save up for my own maternity!
he snaps at me too, but i am aware my hormones are making me very argumentative and hes so stupid he thinks its me and not my hormones, no matter how often i tell him and show him articles about it being the hormones and not me!

they really are dumb animals lol
I know he is stressed at the moment but he sure loves making me feel guilty. He is a right Toad at the minute.

He seems to think I got pregnant without his help.
mine does that too - had a rant the other night about he's done all this stuff around the house and how he hadnt got any recognition for it. I managed to keep my cool and reminded him that its not like i get recognition for doing his washing and ironing and having his tea on the table.

at least we have the hormones to blame for our moodswings - wonder what the mens excuse is. lol
Don't get me started on men.... My OH has taken to acting like a 15 year old (he's 32 so no excuses really). He's moody, selfish and a total brat at times. I was talking to a friend about it and she said that sometimes men get a bit jealous about baby etc and the fact that most things are focused on us. Perhaps OH is a bit scared about money but also trying to get his head around being a dad? When my OH is a prat I just try and absorb myself in nice things like shopping and the odd facial - he'll soon learn when the credit card bill comes in! Lol xxx
Ive been thinking my OH is getting moody lately then the other day he accused me of it. So now im wondering if its just me and my hormones being over sensitive, lol x
Mine just came in from work and moaned about his dinner - i was being kinda lazy and going for burgers and chips cos ive been in bed all day with a cough/cold type thing, although did make a pot of soup, but apparently he's all "burgered out" even though we've not had them for weeks!! grrrr - men.

He sounds just like my OH! ha They are such women at heart, I just ignore him now they have a winge and then r fine then bring it up again in a few weeks. I have come to the conclusion thatI will never get my OH to understand that im on maternity leave to look after our child not on holiday as he thinks of it xxxx
yeah girls i know exactly what you mean, mine called me lazy because i was enjoying my day off and i didnt wanna do housework for once! i'm like i'm carrying a whole other person over here and then he whinges when i ask him to make a brew! lol
I was told on Sunday 'Soon you will be able to cook a Sunday Dinner every day when you are off on Maternity Leave'

I am so feeling this post today!! arrrggghhhh men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Men are a whole other species!!! I'm lucky with my husband as we've done this before and he knows how knackering it can be they will soon realise when baby is here and they have no clean clothes because your knackered as feeding non stop etc that's why they get 2 weeks paternity leave to help you but they thinks you can cope just bide your time ladies you'll soon have the upper hand and I agree with anothe post its jealousy because they know baby is coming first and not them now xxxx
men are such selfish arses sometimes! glad to know its not just mine. i cant put up with it though. we both work and contribute financially and now he has made comments such as how he will be paying for everything while im on maternity! Ok, i only get paid for part of the 52 weeks (which is pretty standard) but its not the point! he made me feel like a total freeloader. of course, im just going to be sat on my backside doing nothing for 52 weeks arent i? idiot!

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