im 16 weeks and im feeling really down and alone... me and the babys dad were only seeing each other a month when i got pregnant it was such a shock 4 both of us... he wanted me to get an abortion at 1st but when he realised i was totaly against it he came round and said he couldnt let me go through with it. he said he would be there for the baby and i would not be alone but yet he says he doesnt want a relationship... he is 27 and im 21. we are both young and neither of us are ready for this. he txts me maybe twice a week asking how we are yet when i suggest we meet up he always has an excuse... he doesnt come to any doc appointments or scans. my parents want me to forget about him and have nothing to do with him as they are a great support to me and baby but they dont understand i care so much for him and he is the father of my unborn child and i believe every child should have their father in their life. iv told him hoe i feel about him but he never shows any affection towards me and its really affecting me. maybe when the baby is born he will show some support but if he isnt showing it now im afraid he may not show it then...
any advice wether i should show him the road or give him a chance.