Feel so alone as baby's dad doesnt seem to care


May 4, 2011
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im 16 weeks and im feeling really down and alone... me and the babys dad were only seeing each other a month when i got pregnant it was such a shock 4 both of us... he wanted me to get an abortion at 1st but when he realised i was totaly against it he came round and said he couldnt let me go through with it. he said he would be there for the baby and i would not be alone but yet he says he doesnt want a relationship... he is 27 and im 21. we are both young and neither of us are ready for this. he txts me maybe twice a week asking how we are yet when i suggest we meet up he always has an excuse... he doesnt come to any doc appointments or scans. my parents want me to forget about him and have nothing to do with him as they are a great support to me and baby but they dont understand i care so much for him and he is the father of my unborn child and i believe every child should have their father in their life. iv told him hoe i feel about him but he never shows any affection towards me and its really affecting me. maybe when the baby is born he will show some support but if he isnt showing it now im afraid he may not show it then... :roll: any advice wether i should show him the road or give him a chance.
Show him the road! He isn't worth your time! For the best of the child stay in touch as much as you can. It'll be hard for him/her growing up if he's not around (my dad wasn't around so I know the feeling) you will do an amazing job bringing him or her up regardless!
Hey Pinkyprincess! :) i just wish he wasnt so immature about the situation. i gave up so much when i fell pregnant, my dreams of beauty college had to be put on hold but i couldnt be happier to be having this beautiful baby :) but he just doesnt seem to care and cant be bothered only to txt me the odd week to see how we'r doing. he has totally put me off men altogether!!!! lol x
Men mature slower than women! Just be strong. My mum was 20 when I was born, my dad cheated so she kicked him out. She brought me up as a single mum while studying and she got herself a PHD. Its doable it'll just be a bit harder! Good luck! Your in the best place for support!!
Thank you :) means alot.. ur mam was a strong woman. we need more strong independent ladies like her :) hugs and kisses!! xox :)
I'd show him the road, but keep the door open for him with your lo in case he's too immature to grasp reality yet :hug: You'll be fine hun, but remember you deserve better in a relationship! Your parents sound fab, glad you've got their support.

Oh hun, that sounds very hard :(

Its good that you have your parents to help you out, and this baby sounds like it will be very loved regardless :)

Though I think that he should be more on the ball with being involved, it sounds like he is very scared and we have to remember that we have all these hormones and stuff going on that make us love this little thing growing inside us. I think men dont quite register they are parents until the baby is out... they see us as pregnant women rather than containing their child!

Dont let him bring you down but if he wants to be a part of the childs life then that would be best for you all... sucks for you though i know

best of luck and i hope it all works out xx
Hi Sweetie, just to say that I dont think you should hold out for any relationship with this man, but that you should stay in contact so your baby can have a good relationship with him.

It sounds to me like he is keeping his distance because he no longer wants to be involved with you personally but that he is ok with being kept informed regarding the baby.

Which I think is great to be honest, he sounds much more interested than most babies to single mothers have. You should move on but keep him involved for little one x

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