My Christmas Pussy


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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With all the upset and hassle we all seem to be having at the moment I thought I would post a picture of my beautiful ragdoll getting ready for christmas.... :D



We've got some wings for our moggie too but he was having none of it :D Biff on the otherhand loved them :lol:

Jane x
:shock: I wondered what it wa gonna be a picture of :shock: :shock:

:lol: he looks cute- my mums cat would be at them thinking it was a bird!
Aww Jane she looks amazing! Ragdoll is a she? :? Where did you get those wings, they are lush!

My Coco would kill me for sticking wings on her, however i reckon my gay cat Rio would love them, he loves accessories, bags, shoes, bows, basically anything that makes him look pretty :lol:
Loola I got them in Austria - they are lovely, I am actually using them to decorate the fireplace but Biff loved them :D He's such a poser.... He is a ragdoll and as soft and stupid as they come :) I need to add you to my facebook as my brother got a bigger pair for his dog - he looks so cute in his they have made their own christmas cards with his picture in them :)

Jane x
Awwwwww so cute!!!! Your cat is the double of my best mates one called Fizz... same markings in the same place!!
wow he is beautiful :D we're possibley rescuing some raggies soon, we were going to get a new kitten, but i'd rather help out an older one being honest :)

will be great to have a raggie in our family, i loved growing up with them :)
omg your raggie is lush, my bro has one whom im forever tryin to steal!!!!!!!!!

I love raggies!!

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