My cat's poorly :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
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I was out most of yesterday so didn't see her. I cooked chicken for our dinner in the evening and put some down for her as well before I went out. When I came back it was still in the bowl - which is really unusual. She is quite a fussy eater but will always eat chicken/fish. I went to find her and she was curled up on the bed and she doesn't look right. She hasn't eaten today except a few sips of cats milk, seems really 'sad' and is dribbling a bit. :(

She doesn't have diarrohea or vomiting and her breathing is okay but I am taking her to the vets tomorrow. I hope she is okay as my other cat was hit by a car a few months ago and I don't think I could bear to lose two cats in the space of a few months. :|
Aww no I hope she gets better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:( Hope ur cat is better soon, let us know how u get on at the vets x :hug: :hug:
Hmmm, she seems fine this morning. :think: She ate all her breakfast and some extra and has been out. We live in the countryside so she may have just eaten something that didn't really agree with her. (A friend of mine had a cat that kept doing something similar - it turned out he was eating nettles. :doh: ) I will keep an eye on her and see how she is later.
Thanks for all your support. :hug:
:hug: Hope she stays alright now. Be careful if your in the countryside and shes had a bit of a dribble our cat did that and turned out he had been licking rat poison that someone had sprinkled around a old building they were going to renovate! He got better after a couple days of fish lol. :wall: Cats do such silly things, cant help but love them though!
This happened to my cat (Moss :)) just before Jacob was born. I was almost two weeks overdue by that point and it was the last thing I needed! He was fine the next day, or was it two days? It was strange... and mine is an indoor cat.

Thanks for all your concern. She seemed to get better, then get worse again so I booked her a vets appointment and then she was fine again. I spoke to the vet and she said to keep an eye on her but if she still isn't eating in a few days then to definitely go in, even if she seems fine. Well...

I think she is just fussy. lol. I bought some expensive cat food and cat milk to tempt her and she ate THE LOT. In about 2 seconds flat! She looks well, I have inspected her eyes, nose, ears, teeth etc and everything looks in order. She is back to strolling around the flat like the boss and wriggling on her back for tummy tickles. I will obviously still keep an eye on her but I think the crisis is over. :pray:

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