My bump is sooo big!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I love my bump but I keep hearing from people saying wow you are huge etc! I dont feel very comfortable about it.. only 24 weeks and I look like Im ready to pop people say!! :mad:

Could I be "too" big for how far I am?
I'm sure your not too big, we're all different, I think I'm too small, and others seem to think this too! You may have lots of water and is all to do with your body shape and size it makes all our bumps so different!
I wouldnt worry hunny, i get those comments all the time and also funny looks when I say im only 18weeks, i asked the midwife as it made me think am i too big and she had everyone is different and if she was worried then she would tell me, im sure your mw is the same x x

So many people comment when you are pregnant, i have one person saying to me 'oh you look tiny' then the next minute 'you look huge' I was measured at my last midwife appointment at 24 weeks and i was 24 cm which is spot on what i should have been. I think everyone looks different because of their shape/size/height. I would'nt worry, your midwife should measure you soon x
unfortunately one of the things i've learnt being pregnant is that everyone has got an opinion & they aren't afraid to air it, some people say I look big others say the opposite, they all of course have an opinion on what the sex is too, amongst other things, you've just gotta learn to ignore it. I guess you're due a mw appt soon, mine is next week, that's when they start measuring i believe so you'll soon know for sure if you're on track! x
Ahh I'd try not to worry hon - I've had people ask if I've got more than one in there! People can be so insensitive! Like the other girls have said everyone is different and you might find that things might level off a bit now and you have a couple of weeks of staying the same size. As long as you feel healthy and baba is well that's all that matters :) x x

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