My baby is broke!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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She won't sleep in her own bed!!!

Nap times are getting a little better, but bedtime is worse.

Self settled at night for ages, now suddenly won't.

Also just been up for a feed and now is screaming if I put her back in the crib, but she's not even really awake.

I'm knackered just now, I think because I'm not sleeping as well if we end up co- sleeping.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
She might be clingy if she's teething :(
I hope she's sleeping and you've caught up on the zeds xxxx
Is she in her cot now? Does she feel a bit insecure? I've taken the side off Tyler's cot and put it next to the bed and he's never slept better (apart from obvious growth spurts and teething) I'm pretty confident he'd be fine without me just currently still working on the SSing. could you do that for a week or so, so she knows you are there and feels secure?

If you have to cosleep it's not that bad. People are too quick to give you horror stories about clingy babies but I think it's like the thumb sucking thing. If they really want to do it they'll find away and take out all obstacles iykwim?

as she always been like this 4 month sleep regression maybe xx
At about this age they start to get an idea of seperation anxiety and this can cause them to have nightmares. The only thing that they have nightmares about is that they cant find their mummy (broke my heart to read that) so that cud be why she is crying at night? H seems to have turned a corner this week!! Just give her loads of love and cuddles!!

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