My Anglesounds arrived today


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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It arrived at last

And im pretty sure i heard LO's heart beat :dance:, At first I was just gettin all sorts of swoshey noises then after ages in one sopt where I was gettin lots of weird noises I heard a heart beat it got a bit fainter then some more swoshing and then it got louder agian, That has to be it doesnt it?? I mean if it was mine it would have been there the whole time and not left or got louder and fainter yeah??

I didnt want to move to check mine but when i did after i couldnt tell but to be honest mine was prob as fast as baby with d stress of it all LOL
I used to put my finger on my pulse in my neck to see if it was me or bubba! if it was the same as mine but swooshing it is the placenta. If it was twice mine it was bubba. Now I know what bubba's sounds like but lately we have been plain hide and seek with Pip hiding behind the placenta!

It's an amazing sound tho xx
Oh so what i was hearing could have just been the placenta? if the placenta has a beat does the baby have to too? cos if thats the case im still happy iykwim
yeah babys is clearly faster, once you have found it you know for sure its not yours as it really is like double it and not as big and deep sounding a beat either. your pule runs thru the placenta in a couple of places tho so it can be easier to find your own pulse that baba's. mine plays hide and seek but i can usually find it for at least a few mins lol
i just listened to always gets really loud like it comes to the surface to show off for mammy....then it kicks a few times, especially when i talk to it....then it swims off....he he :D i love it xx
Think it might have been a false alarm, Listened to it again when hubby got home and he says its my heart beat :-(

Think the swoshey noises might have been it moving around though but realy not sure

Gonna try again later when hubby gets back from footie
Stick with it Hun. Sometimes takes me a while to find Pip cos it's usually the other side to where I'm trying to find it! Little bugger likes to hide!
when u find it you will know....just do really small movements and feel up round your belly button xx
this might be a silly questiong but is there any way of knowing if the other noises im hearing are baby moving or my insides just making noise? at least if i cant get the beat if i know for sure its moving it will put my mind at ease a bit
U can hear swooshing which is the fluid moving around from baby moving. Then there is the heart beat with added swoosh which is placenta then just a fast heartbeat which is baby :D
i get "whoops" which i think is baby moving/kicking the doppler
so the woshes r definitly baby moving n not my dinner lol

Im getting plenty of swoosh just not so much heart beat n not too sure how fast it is when i do get it so think its mine r the placenta although the one hubby thought was too fast might have been it, think il look on youtube see if there any sound clips to compare it ot
The swooshes are probably baby. Listen to your hubbys stomach and if you don't hear the same swooshes then it must be bubba.
Thanks mustard il give it a go on him now, had a listen on google and pretty ure i was wrong on the hb cos was not at all as fast as the ones i heard on yourtube :-( but if it was moving thats good at least

Will try for hb again tmrw hubby giving out to me for using it too much lol
Maybe your baby is hiding mine often does, you may have heard it and not realised. :) x
Yeah i realy hope so :) the clips on youtube are very helpfull to know what it sould sound like

Guess thats another thing i missed out on with the 16 week app I didnt have

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