my 1st smoke free day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
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just wanted to share my proud-ness!as many of u know i have confessed to being a dirty smoker!very addicted and shamefuly love my cigs however i cut down since i started postin on here and now 3weeks on today is my first smoke free day ever in 6 years!!!im off to bed in a min cuz not sure i can take it much longer and really want to get through 1 whole day!! thought id let u all know to prove i am really going for it! jus gotta keep up the gud work!! il keep ya posted! xxxthanks for all the fab support over the weeks it really has helped me no end i wouldnt have done it without PF no-way! so thanks girlies x
This is a great news! I wish you many healthy days from now on!
I read a book online that helped me very much to quit smoking- "Easy way to stop smoking"- Allen Carr. The book is very positive, very different from what you would expect from books of this kind.
Well done u!!!!!! That is a massive achievement, keep u the good work :)
Well done you, that's fantastic! I bet you'll feel better for it, too.
amazing!! well done! I had half a cig today but half way through i felt so so guilty (ive read up a lot on the harm smoking can do to your baby) that i had to put it out!

Lets do this together!! x
Thats great news, well done hunny.

Once you have stopped i think it so easy to never look back. Im an ex smoker, i stopped straight away when i got my bfp with my first and never had one since.

I feel for you though hun, its hard but your doing great, keep up the good work :yay: x x

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well done! i know how hard it is to quit. i quit 9 years ago when i found out I was pregnant with my daughter and have never looked back! keep up the hard work! x
wow - well done you. Keep it up hun xxxxxx
Seriously well done! Now you know you can get through a whole day hopefully day 2 will be less of a mountain to climb x
that's a good book to help you give up - my step dad gave up using that book. It tells you to carry on smoking as you read it - my step dad found that by the end of the book, he'd given up and didn't really realise it.

Just sad that the author died, ironically from lung cancer, after attended so many smoke-filled 'stop-smoking' conferences.
that's a good book to help you give up - my step dad gave up using that book. It tells you to carry on smoking as you read it - my step dad found that by the end of the book, he'd given up and didn't really realise it.

Just sad that the author died, ironically from lung cancer, after attended so many smoke-filled 'stop-smoking' conferences.
well, the author himself smoke for 40 years so... he said he's qualified enough for advising how to stop smoking
(sooner or later everyone stop smoking)
the book is really enjoyable to read
I had been smoking since i was 14, so like 6 or 7 year and packed in just over 6 months ago and it was the best thing i ever waking up at night wheezing (yep i sounded like an old man) and at my age i really didnt want to no be able to breathe!
If you feel the need to reach for a fag and are going to why dont u get a herbal one? they taste like shit thats how i packed in... just a suggestion :) hope u keep it up ur doing great xxx
hay guys on day 3!!!!! and still on the road to success!!! i cant believe iv cracked it!!! dont get me wrong after meals i really do fancy one especially after tea, but i jus smell my old ashtray an it puts me off again!!! whoop thanx for all the support girlies you really have helped me through this!!
i feel beter already and even my skin is lookin a little clearer! its not easy but defo possible! all you other irls thinkin about it that have just got your bfp, u will be able to do it i was on here thinkin i had no hope at all and 3 weeks on iv done 3 days cold trkey!!!sorry if this is borin sum of you non-smokers but i am so happy!! thanx again girlies xx

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