MW Home Visit


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Well the MW came to my home today for my homebirth assessment, and I am very pleased and humbled to say it was a pleasant experience. I was happy to hear her not mention my BP for a change, which she took and said was perfect, but she then began on my BMI which is high.

So I have an appointment with a consultant on Monday to be told the risks of giving birth with a high BMI, the MW mentioned how the pelvis can also have extra padding with high BMI ladies :think: I've not got round to looking into this yet, I would have thought had my pelvis been an issue, it would have been recognized before 36weeks?

MW also spoke about how this can cause LO's head to crown but then the shoulders get stuck and if that happens LO has no chance really, quite a thing to hear, but again it's her job to inform :think: still, have to look into how probable that is.

I do know I'm feeling much better now her visit is done, and she seemed quite relaxed and friendly sat in our home, I also think my birth plan reassured her, as it covered my feelings with regards to things not going how I'd wish, like c-section, if LO is ill etc

Can't remember what else now, bit tired after all the excitement heehee

Oh, she did think it odd I wasn't going to use a TENS machine too, and commented on how the chances of not getting a MW for the homebirth are very slim, as there's 4 MW's covering this area :) (as long as labour starts during 9-5 :lol: )
Congrats on what sounds like a sucessful Home-birth visit.

I found mine much the same eg going through what can go wrong, i think they must have to cover every aspect when doing a Home-birth.

If i give birth between 9pm and 8am the likleyhood of going into hospital looks pretty much decided as they'd have to send a MW out from the hospital and if none are available i have to go in or so i've been told. :cry:

I also don't have a TENS machine and MW didn't blink an eye.
Good luck for monday, I think you are right, it's best just to keep an open mind. Pleased for you that you have got your home birth planned, and don't worry about the tens, some people find them useless anyway!
glad it went well, good luck on monday. :hug:

i havent had mine yet! :think:
Hi RedShoes,

So glad that you've had your home birth visit and it all went well. I do wish they'd stop harping on about BMI and BP though - this really bothers me - although I do understand that they are just doing their jobs. It makes me feel angry and like a failure.

I don't know what the law is like in England, but here in Scotland they can't refuse you a m/w regardless of what time you go into labour - so if you really have your heart set on it then make sure you insist on a m/w attending when you do go into labour.

Although I have faced a fair amount of opposition to my planned home birth (documented in my diary - link below), I have now come to realise that I am really lucky to live where I do where they are keen on home births and their benefits.

I went to a really good meeting at my local birth resource centre on Sunday to meet local women who are also planning a home birth - this was excellent in helping me to focus my mind on my home birth and to get some feedback and back up from knowledgable local people (doulas, independent midwifes) about home births and their issues. I'm also reading a really good book - Home Birth by Nicky Weston (I think) - very empowering.

I really hope it goes well for you RedShoes as you definitely deserve the birth that you want after all the preparation you have done and I am desperate to hear how you get on. Please keep in touch.


Valentine xxx
Glad it was mostly a positive experience for you hun. You're right - they do have to go through all the possible eventualities that would result in you & LO being transferred to hospital - best to know in advance so you're making an informed decision.

I had my home visit on Friday and it was great - but my MW has always been very supportive.

So roll on our home births :hug:

wow cool congrats on a good homebirth asessment :)

i beleive there will be a midwife available for you when u give birth. if not give your oh a good oppurtunity to drive fast to hosp if u need to go there :)
Hi Redshoes :wave:

Good news that the home visit went so well. I'm just curious though as to what they said about if you go into labour outside normal working hours? Do you have to go straight to the hospital? Seems a bit odd... I thought they would offer a MW on 24/7 coverage for home births? :think:

Anyway it's good that they are being helpful and encouraging your plans.

I agree it seems silly to raise the BMI "issue" at this stage. Why was it not mentioned earlier? Very good that your BP was normal though. Just shows you must have been more relaxed in your own home :)

I hope it goes well for you on Monday :hug: Don't forget to post an update. :D


Thanks everyone :hug:
I did expect the 'what can go wrong' conversation, but I also felt happy about that because it shows they are doing their job, they are supposed to know and explain all these things, so although not nice it was very good to hear and discuss :)
As for there not being any MW's available, I've had lots of advice from AIMS , as to what to say/do should they say they have none available, so no worries there either, the site's worth a look for anyone having a baby, very un-biased and informative;
I think the TENS machine thing shocked her because I said I didn't want to use one and she said that they are very good, so guess she thought me strange, but hey :lol: I did explain I didn't want pethidine as it crosses the placenta and can make you sleepy, I did also explain unless an emergency arose, gas and air would be the only option I would consider, that seemed to make her happier.
And with the BP issue, remember to make sure your MW uses the right cuff, apparently the few 'higher' readings I've received in the past have been through use of the WRONG cuff, so be aware of that :)
My friend had her homebirth assessment and asked that MW about high BMI and padded pelvis, her MW had never heard of it, so will be interesting on Monday to see what consultant has to say exactly :think:

Okies, I've wittered enough, thankyou again for the well wishes, it really does mean a lot :hug:

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