36 wk MW visit - update on biff baby saga :p Homebirth is go


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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So anyone who has been following my minor hiccups these past few weeks will be aware that last week after a sizing scan and reading my notes the registrar advised me against homebirth due to possible baby size (Biff) and my size
(biffish too now :roll: )

So went to my 36 week MW appointment to have a chat and see where my MW stood based on oooooo everything rather than just the size thing :think:

Blood sugar test result - normal

BP - 100/60 (down from the Doctor one of 130/72 last week)

Weight - I've lost 3 kg in the last 10 days (probably fluid but hey, I still weigh less today)

Baby - after 10 minutes of poking and prodding MW says she thinks Bump is engaged, but admitted she was finding it hard to be exact. Reason being that she could not feel the head properly at all. She could defo feel chin and it was waaaaay down, and shoulders also, but Bump's head was eluding her :lol: She was finding baby is really long! She said she could clearly feel the spine and was surprised at how long it is and also that Bump's bottom is right at the top so to speak. Indicating to her a long baby (though possibly still biff, only not fat biff, but longer biff). Also the fact I have a tidy bump and am not having (nor have I really had) baby pressing upwards and causing me any real discomfort with indigestion/heartburn, breathlessness etc. She said she usually finds chubby babies cause more discomfort to Mum in those departments. My LO has loads of room to turn from side to side she said but if longer then of course is scrunched up more therefore making it hard to get decent scan readings. I also have a fairly long torso so can cope with a longer baby well.

She also discussed my case with the other community MW (who is also lovely) and said they both felt I was fine for homebirth. She said had my BMI at booking been 35 or over she would also now advise against trying for homebirth, but as it was 5 less than this, and I am still well within the margin that is considered 'unsafe/risky' then they were both more than happy for me to book in for homebirth. She is dropping my homebirth kit of sometime next week :)


Now to wait for Biff to arrive

That is EXCELLENT news Sherry! :cheer:

You will have to change your banner from "Biff Baby Club" to "Long Baby Club" instead though! Perhaps you're having a 6 footer! You're so having a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
i am so pleased to hear your homebirth is still going ahead :D

my midwife recons my Collier is a long biff baby not a fat biff as well.

im so happy for you as i know how much a home birth means to you
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

sarah :D
geordie lass said:
my midwife recons my Collier is a long biff baby not a fat biff as well.

Oh, Connie's just a FAT BIFF :rotfl:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm SO happy for you :D I can't wait for you to have mini-Sherlock now! You've helped me SO much with the whole homebirth thing so it would have been plain mean for them to say no to you having one!

debecca said:
That is EXCELLENT news Sherry! :cheer:

You will have to change your banner from "Biff Baby Club" to "Long Baby Club" instead though! Perhaps you're having a 6 footer! You're so having a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

:lol: I do wonder if boys cause more trouble than girls when safely tucked away in there :lol: :roll: Either way, I'm hoping she is closer to the truth and Bump is indeed longer than tubbier :roll:

As a matter of interest, on my mothers side of the family we are all tall. At least 5'7 for the women, I'm 5'9 and the men all clock in at over 6'2. Fathers side men are average height, so not small. And on hubbys side the men are taller usually (hubby is my height but his brother is 6'2) so it would not surprise me.

Also MW said that if baby is too big to come out it simply won't happen and she'll ensure I am transferred then. But she said once the head is out, even if the shoulders are a bit sticky, they have ways to help that. That was where the Doctor last week had concern that I was having a tubster who would get stuck at the shoulders. She said they will be able to tell when I am in labour if this sort of thing is likely to happen so am very happy to continue on with homebirthing :)
BabyBee said:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm SO happy for you :D I can't wait for you to have mini-Sherlock now! You've helped me SO much with the whole homebirth thing so it would have been plain mean for them to say no to you having one!

Thank you :) :hug: Am very happy also. Like a weight has been lifted.

Mini Sherlock :lol: Anytime from next Wednesday onwards is good by me. So long as I don't have to see that Doctor again at 39 weeks for a scan I'm happy. My MW did say that if I go that long she'll make sure I get to see the lady Doctor instead of him as she is lovely apparently :lol: :cheer:

We can both look forward to our homebirths now :)
That is fantastic news Sherlock!!!! I am glad you are going to get the experience you wanted. Silly doctors, what do they know?

Apparently my baby has a fat tummy and long legs! Mine must be a long AND fat biff!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

i'm so glad to hear this sherry :hug:

bet you wish you could tell that kno* of a doctor from last time :evil: :rotfl:


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