MW encouraging me to think about home birth


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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I had my booking in appointment this afternoon. All seemed to go ok and waiting for my scan date in the post. One thing that did get me thinking though was that she said I should definitely consider home birth as I looked like I was going to be a straightforward pregnancy and if things continued that way home birth might be best. The thing is I know very little about it and tbh the idea scares me really. Does anybody have experience of home birth?

Thanks :)
I think 8w is very early to say "this looks like it will be a straightforward pregnancy" :shock:

I'm sure all will be fine but you have a very long way to go?

I was low risk at my booking in appointment, but that will most likely change as I have quite high BP (I am terrified of having my BP taken - they do get a "normal" reading once I calm down LOL!)

Does your hospital have a birthing centre?

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Maybe she just meant low risk based on my responses so far? She did say if anything comes up that seems risky she wouldn't advocate a home birth but so far it should be something I consider. However, as it's my first I find the whole thing scary and my only options seem to be home or hospital as we don't have a mw led birthing centre around here.
Hey hun, I did hear on the new a few months back that midwives will be encouraging healthy mums 2b to have home births. So she sees you a healthy but I think it is to early to say if your pregnancy is going to be straight forward. Personally I dont care if the midwife encourages me I will not be doing it. I think woman that do it it are very brave. You could have a great pregnancy and all seems well but complication can occur in labour that needs to be dealt with in a hospital :) I wouldnt do it if you have doubts but I would look into it and see how you feel then
It is unusual to be promoting home birthing with a first pregnancy especially as your only at 8 1/2 weeks. But maybe she just wanted to encourage you to think about it . I have had 3 in hospital and 2 home births and this being my final pregnancy I am hoping it to will be a homebirth . I hate hospitals and did not enjoy the hospital births as I felt it was very medical and not personal at all. I have loved my homebirths and have very special memories or both of them. I'd find out all the info you can before to make a decision and of course nature sometimes changes our plans . Good luck with whatever you decide on.xx
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My mw said the same to me with both my kids, I was low risk all the way thru but I went with mw led unit instead. I got the impression she enjoys doing home births and seeing patient from start to finish. She loved meeting my boys after birth and wanted to know everything.

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ive had a healthy pregnancy but the idea of a home birth absolutely scares me, specially as this is my first and id rather be in hospital so if needs be i can have stronger pain relief etc etc...
If your up for it then go for it but i couldnt think of anything but mess x
I think at the moment I'm going to stick with no I'll go to hospital, I'm too anxious about the idea of needing emergency help and then knowing its an ambulance journey away! Talked to dh tonight and he said the same.
I'm planning a home birth and this is my first. I get 2 midwives fully focused on me, rather than in hospital when they are in and out. If anything changes I'll do whatever they recommend but that's the plan right now :)
Gosh, you're so much braver than me I just can't get my head to say yes lol x
Brave or stupid?!? Midwife was v pleased. But then I've had 2 friends who wanted home births and were in hospital within hours to be on the safe side. They don't take any risks. I may be naive but I want to try on minimum pain relief too, so home birth is an obvious option for me. Plenty of time to consider and reconsider though :)
I don't understqnd why you have to be brave to be havg a home birth perhaps this is just the different point of view in culture. I live in the Netherlands and there everyone gves birth at home unless there is a serious medical reason (birth wise or emotional) to give birth in a hospital (hospital birth judt by choise is paying for it yourself). the idea here is that is is nice and better to have the baby at home in your own environment. I have birth int he hospital with my first because I was in labour so long and it was so traumatic I will never be the same person ever again. It ruined me for life and so much that I had an unassisted homebirth with only my husband with the second.

It is a good idea to be thinking about it from early on. Perhaps it is something you feel good with and if not you can always go to hospital.
To me it's always been a natural choice really. My mum had my sisters at home and regretted not having me at home but I was her first and she's tiny so they wouldn't let her!
I'd have absolutely loved a home birth and still would. At your stage I was also classed as low risk but went into prem
Labour at 30 weeks which was medically stopped, started up again at 35+6 and stopped of its own accord and baby was eventually born at 36+6. He had breathing problems so was on antibiotics and on oxygen for a few days so no matter how straight forward they anticipate it will be there is just no telling. Having said that I'd still love a home birth one day, but any future pregnancies of mine will be classed as high risk :( it'd be an awesome experience I think and if you have a supportive midwife then all the better :)
I think the idea of a homebirth is fantastic. I will be opting/fighting for one next time (Ill be classes as high risk next time). My midwife in hospital made me feel like a burden to her as she obviously had other women to watch and only came in once every 30 minutes to check my contractions and left without saying a word. The idea of 2 midwives at my becon call who I would of seen throughout pregnancy sounds like heaven!

Also, a point I heard that made such sense to me, was that think of the time it takes you to drive to the hospital, then halve it because you'll be blue lighted. Usually no more than 10/15 minutes. If you were in hospital and an emergancy arose it would take them 10 minutes to set the theater up before you got in there. So really, the time it takes you in the ambulance, they'll be setting up ready and you're good to go straight away.

I wanted a homebirth with my first but unfortunatly lived with my parents who weren't so keen on the idea lol. Apparently the mess isn't an issue either. Just a cheap shower curtain and old sheets that can be thrown away and the midwife will help clear it all too :)
Aw love you girls, it's great hearing things like that. You are completely right about being blue lighted in and thats a great point re theatre Mel. I'm going to go with it unless I end up high risk, and that I can't control! X
If it weren't for my stupid high blood pressure I'd love to consider a home birth. It's great your mw is supportive of it, and like Mel said, medical help is just a stones throw away if you need it xx
We live 10 mins from Cardiff's main hospital, prob 5 by blue light, or if oh had to get me there. I have absolute faith in him getting me there and looking after me if anything untoward looked like it would happen. But the midwives take no risks with a home birth.
I don't think it's the norm here yet though HelenJ I don't have any friends or acquaintances who have had home births. Perhaps it is a cultural thing I don't know. What I mean by brave is that I have no knowledge about it and therefore find the prospect a scary one.
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