MW appointment tody at 39 +2


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Last time i went was 2 weeks ago and she said she would discuss a sweep so highly doubtful i would get one early but so uncomfortable now my bump is still high but my back is so sore and the ribs caused me 2 hours worth of pain and tears am so ready for baby to come but dont think mw will help
I had asked last week but was told that i needed to be past my due date before they would do a sweep!
I was gutted but think i may go very soon!
If not then im 40 weeks on sunday and im booked in for midwife on monday and was told i could get a sweep then. Not long to go now hun x
fingers crossed, my mw is only at surgery on a weds so hope I dont have to wait til 41 weeks as still going every 2 weeks if i don't get to go next week I will not be happy!!

Fingers crossed u go soon xx
right am off wish me luck and lots of pma to get baby moving down and out!!!
How did it go? When I saw my mw last week and asked about what happens if I go overdue she said they don't do sweeps until 10 days after due date which will be Boxing Day for me!!!
well I am back baby is only 3/5 engaged :-s not sure whether this matters or not, she also said he will not be a little tiddler?!!?
Sweep next monday if I don't go before then :) and if nothing happens before Friday another sweep will take place!!!! Fingers crossed baby will be coming when hubby wanted which is next weekend, she told me to get on the ball and have the baby I am trying!!!!
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