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Mums with 2 or more. Could I cope with two?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Im starting to think that maybe I should be thinking about whether Isabella is going to have a brother or sister.

Im truly terrified that I wouldnt cope as I found the adjustment to motherhood quite hard - Im ok now though.

I know they say you are more laid back with the 2nd but I worry Isabella would possibly be at her terrible two's or 3????

How have you found it?
oh golly - yes it's hard, but if you can get some sort of a daily routine going it helps.

The first two weeks after having Alex I felt like I was cracking up. Hubby only had 1 week's paterniy leave, and I could still barely walk from my stitches being so sore. All of a sudden there I was on my own with 2 kids to take care off all day!

I seriously fet like I couldn't cope. One day I was in floods of tears - I rang hubby up and begged him to come home from work!

Then after about 2 weeks, I dunno why but it suddenly was as though things fell into place. (Maybe I had a touch of baby blues who knows). Anyway now here I am with the two of them whilst hubby works, and it is indeed maneagable. It's hard wok (and you may have to sacrifice hoovering and stuff until you have somebody else in the house with you - becase after all you aren't an octopus!)) but if I can do it then anybody can, because generally I'm aooo disorganised. Yet I'm coping! :)

And yep my daughter is very much in her terrible twos - tantrums galore - but I'm still managing :)

It is really hard work and you need a routine for them, its like xena said you mayhave to say sod the housework ect until someone can come in and take over. This is what i have had to do.

I have wanted to scream somedays cos i want to get on and get things done and my babys crying and needs me. But then i have days where i look at the two of them and its lovely.

But so hard, especially with them being both in nappies too.
I have to say I have a 7 year age gap (not deliberate) but its worked FANTASTICALLY. I couldn't be happier. Yes it is demanding but so incredibly rewarding that it rarely feels like hard work. Having said that my eldest is old enough to really be able to be involved. Have to say watching my friend who's 2 are under the age of 4 it does look a lot harder.

I think bottom line nothing can prepare you for having another and sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and jump after all you didnt bugger it up this time so it stands :wink: to reason you'll do even better next time having had practice
Eveadel said:
Im starting to think that maybe I should be thinking about whether Isabella is going to have a brother or sister.

Im truly terrified that I wouldnt cope as I found the adjustment to motherhood quite hard - Im ok now though.

I know they say you are more laid back with the 2nd but I worry Isabella would possibly be at her terrible two's or 3????

How have you found it?

its ok. Hard work. But then everything worth while is.
you'll cope - and tink of the lovely comapny it will give your daughter. She will than k you for it when shes older i can assure you of that.
Miracle babe said:
. Have to say watching my friend who's 2 are under the age of 4 it does look a lot harder.

It is hard but I think I will get the benefit in a few years time when they both go to school and enter into the social world.

I love them more than anything but sometimes I would like a day to myself.
I've found it really hard, harder than I thought it would be. Maybe I was naive, actually yes I think I was! I had Ella and thought how wonderful and great it was and I felt really broody, I fell pregnant with Alex when she was 6 months old. There is a 14 month and 1 week gap between them. I wish I had waited until she was older, say the gap was 2-3 years as it's starting to get a little easier now. There have been days when I truly haven't wanted to get out of bed as I have been so frustrated with the monotony of changing endless pooey nappies and cleaning up after meal times, being screamed at from the moment they wake up til they go to bed. But it's not all bad, I can see that they've really got a bond forming and I can't wait til next year when Alex is walking, Ella's that bit older etc. I do feel that I have sacrificed time with Ella by having Alex, I can rarely give either of them my full attention. It's not easy to take them out, when you have one you can grab a bag, jump in the car and go out for the day. With two, especially when the first is a few months old it's a lot harder. I get very anxious when we're out as Ella still requires a lot of attention if we're at a park for instance, but then I've also got Alex in a buggy to drag around and if he's hungry then it's hard to watch her and breastfeed him. Now he's on solids and there is more of a routine and gap between feeding it's gotten better.
I've found that I've had to be very organised, as if I need to be out by 10 then getting them both breakfasted, changed, bag ready, breakfast dishes sorted and toys away (I hate coming home to mess) then it's hard work. Also I find that it's hard to get any time to yourself and most nights I'm so exhausted I hardly speak to my husband.
What's been the hardest is the fact that Alex wakes several times in the night, Ella was a fantastic sleeper but he'll still wake up every two-three hours even though he's on 3 good meals a day and breastfed on demand in between meals. When you have one then you can rest a bit more in the day. When Ella was going through a growth spurt I'd set myself up on the sofa with a film, snacks and a drink and relax. Of course when you've got two you just can't do that.
I know there are some people that cope just fine and will say it's easy and to go for it, and I know that will make me feel rubbish because I haven't found it easy. I think that's because I like to be out and about, to keep the house tidy and to have a bit of sleep at night and I couldn't do that for a while. I've also suffered from quite bad postnatal depression and have had a few situations when my husband has had to stay home from work. He's also changed his working hours (which as a parent he was entitled to request) so he is home half a day a week. We're lucky that his work have been fantastically supportive. The need for him be here has stemmed from feeling really isolated and that I can't cope with another day of nappies, breakfast, clean, nappies, lunch, clean, nappies tea, bedtime routine (with breastfeeding and tantrums inbetween). Things are getting lots better though, from next week Alex is going to a childminders for 3 hours on a Thursday so I can have some quality time with Ella and from January they'll both go at seperate times on a Friday so I get half a day, once a week with each of them to do something one on one.

It's not something to enter into lightly (like I did!) and I wouldn't change anything now I have my two bubs, they're my world. But I'm just pointing out the potential pitfalls and that it can be hard work, isolating and mind numbingly boring some days. But when Ella gets up in the morning and gives Alex a big kiss and cuddle it does seem worth it :)
Thanks girls for all your replies.

I dont know whether I can do it???? I had quite a few days when Isabella was young when I wanted my husband to stay at home with me and he did a couple of times.

I think I would be useless with 2. It really is playing on mind and am I just being so bloody selfish, think about myself rather than Isabella.
At the end of the day Isabella is still young, and if you feel you wouldn't cope at the moment with two then why is that being selfish? Surely it's the opposite as you're making sure you've got plenty of time with just your DD. My auntie doesn't know if she ever wants another, she's young and enjoying her DS who is 2 and a bit. There's no rush to have another, I found that forums makes me feel broody as there are so many pregnant women on here. But if I look at all the women that I met at my postnatal group with Ella I was the first to get pregnant and still only one other has gotten pregnant, she's approx 9 weeks. Don't beat yourself up, enjoy your DD and when you're ready you'll know it :hug:
I'd like to say you WILL be just fine, because it will be your baby, and you want it and want to love it, (sorry to use the term 'it' :oops: ) but I don't fully know you or your circumstances, but you do, and if you feel it's what you want, and you feel ready as a family, I'd say go for it, after all you don't know how long TTC will take.
Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ah thanks girls, thank you for listening and your support :hug: :hug:
ultimatly its your familys choice. we waited for a 5 year gap, because thats what is between me and my brother..and i feel it is a great age gap, we never agrue. but thats our choice.. whenw ehave our next one it will definatly be a 3 year + age gap. just because a toddler is so much hard work..and not forgetting so is pregnancy..
I dont know whether Im worrying abit more as Im 33 now :shock:
i didnt plan the gap theres goinna be with my 2 (11 months) i cry when i think about my future. Its gonna be so hard, i know. Im not niaeve. I struggled alot with hannah. But its done. No ones died at the end of the day. I wish things were different. The reality of being in my situation is so hard. I wouldnt plan to have a baby if i didnt feel ready, your probably not.
there is 11 months between mine and yes its hard but u cope. i just find as long as i get out for some fresh air with them im fine. just going out for a walk breaks up the day. housework sometimes gets ignored but who cares. you soon get into a routine which helps.

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