Mums who BF while PG with next baby and beyond


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I'm only asking as we are thinking about this :lol:

I saw my MW the other day and she was really chuffed I am still BF'ing and doing BLW alongside this now. Being the progressive forward type of MW she asked about us trying for a second baby in the near future. She said that I could breastfeed 'in tandem' and have both a toddler and newborn feeding from me.

Now, I had planned to get to 6 months BF'ing and then see what we wanted to do. As it is now, I love BF'ing so much and Galen is thriving on it so I hope to continue until he is at least a year old or self weans around this time. If he continues to feed past then, even if its only a couple of times a day I'd be happy to go with this.

But we hope to start TTC sometime in the early spring. Maybe a bit before. We know we can as I've been having regular periods since Galen was 3 weeks old :lol: :roll: If I were to get PG and be still BF''ing would this be a bit insane of me? Anything in particular I need to be aware of? Of course I'll be sure to be eating well and so on so that won't be a problem.

Just wondering how any other Mums have found it feeding a newborn and then also feeding their toddler a feed or two a day.

Also anyone know if the milk alters for a newborn then. Kind of like a reset option for your boobs. I'm thinking it must do so that baby gets colustrum and so on in the early days? If not what happens exactly.

Me being me I shall of course go away and read up on all this in detail over the weekend but wondered if anyone had been succesful in breast feeding two children at the same time :)
No ideas here, but I just read that and thought Oh My God! Sherlock is pregnant again!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
From what I am aware there are no problems tandem feeding... just make sure you eat well, drink plenty and take your vits because you will be food for two :)... I have heard of a lot of self weaning happens when mum gets pregnant again because when the baby is due to arrive your milk turns to colostrum which isn't as nice as milky so they go off it... but its usually only for a day or two before your milk comes in again.

We will be TTC in April/May 2010. If lil miss is still feeding then, then I'll end up tandem... but tbh, I'm hoping she will have weaned because she will be at state nursery by then and bfing, although not a form of contraception, it is designed to hinder conception.
Glad you posted this Sherlock I have been giving this some thought over the last couple of days. Me and hubby would also like to TTC number 2 around springtime but I still haven't had a period yet so I'm not sure how that's going to work out, I just need to wait till they return and if they don't then I may have to stop bf'ing :( But I too wondered how I would go about bf'ing Maia and being pregnant.

Midna, you surprise me that you would stop breastfeeding if you had to nurse a newborn and a toddler, I thought you would have been the first to say that it wouldnt stop you. Quite shocked, just because I know how passionate you are about BF'ing.
midna said:

Midna, you surprise me that you would stop breastfeeding if you had to nurse a newborn and a toddler, I thought you would have been the first to say that it wouldnt stop you. Quite shocked, just because I know how passionate you are about BF'ing.

midna said:
No I think you read it wrong lol .. I wouldnt get pregnant in the first place.. but if I did of course I would tandem feed. Its just not a position Id like to put myself in. Extremely hard work lol. x

Ah yes I did read wrong :oops: So I have you down to a tee then on the BF'ing :)
midna said:
You certainly do.. you know I have considered tandem feeding but my main concern is jepordising Wednesdays milk supply especially where shes still exclusivley fed. xx

I totally understand that, especially as the milk turns to colostrum for the newborn and can put off the other baby.
A good post, I've been thinking about this myself.

We wouldn't mind getting pregnant again soon but like Charlie I haven't had my period yet. I just wouldn't want to stop BF because wanting to get pregnant - I may consider after one year :think:

It's amazing how wonderful breastfeeding can feel x
I think beanie breastfed until she was 3 months or so pregnant, then Seren self weaned - hopefully she'll see this thread and reply.

Good luck Sherlock, I hope it all works out for you - sounds like a wonderful experience!

Valentine Xxx
I did. Seren was still feeding when I fell pregnant and continued till I was about 4 months or so pregnant -my milk must have dried up. It didn't feel any different really, though my nipples were incredibly tender at one point and that made feeding incredibly uncomfortable especially when she first latched on but there was no issue with cramping, feeling too tired. Your body gives all the nutrients to the baby first, then to the milk, then to you so you may feel a bit more poo especially with bad morning sickness. But it was good in other ways as when I finished work and Seren would want a big feed I had an excuse to lie and rest on the sofa whilst she fed and dozed. It also got a bit tricky as my Callybump grew as I had less lap to feed Seren on so we usually just lay down.
A friend of mine BF her toddler throughout her pregnancy and is now tandem feeding. The only problem she had was that he really liked the tatse of the colostrum and started to feed off her more, which caused some contractions. Otherwise though, no problem.

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