

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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Ladies, please help me!

My LO is 9 weeks and BF. I love BF'ing but some days I do feel like Daisy the Cow. I haven't yet built up the confidence of feeding in public so take either a bottle of expressed milk or formula. Recently though LO has started to refuse the bottle off me. I got my mum to try giving him a bottle of expressed milk today and he just won't take it. Any advice how I can resolve this? I need to be able to leave him with his dad if I have to go out, and know he'll be fed if I'm not around! He also will not take a dummy!

Any advice gratefully received!
Hmmm is it time to change the teat flow? That's all I can think off x

He doesn't even take the teat to know it is a slow flow. He pushes the teat away with his tongue wth his mouth wide open :(
Hey Mrs B

I had had the same prob with Georgie refusing the bottle a few weeks ago. She just screamed everytime we tried so after awhile we stopped trying. After 2 weeks we tried her again first thing in the morning as she is a happy smiley girl then and on a number 2 teat. She drained the 2oz we put in and screamed when ir had gone I was expressing at the time so tipped another 2oz in the bottle and she took most on that.

I know this does not help you currently with being shy feeding in public sorry. You can get breastfeeding scarfs maybe that would help you for now? Xx
My LO used to have the tommee tippee bottles, then we moved onto breastflow and he got on with them great, we were only ever doing 1 bottle a day. Now he refuses all bottles though, and he's never taken a dummy. I've never breastfed in total public, either in the car or somewhere out of peoples eyes and my LO is 7 months now and we've got on fine. It's not been an easy ride, but we're in tune now xxxx
I've got Tommee Tippee bottles and he was ok with them. I also feed my LO in the car and hidden places! I envy women who happily feed their LO's in public. I have a cover so maybe I should pluck up the courage. Its such a natural thing but so many people are funny about it!
I'll also look at different teats and see if he'll take them?
Both my children refused a bottle so while at home ( so for on the rare occasion I went out!)

We did cup feeding :)

If you search google (as I can't put a link) cup feeding breastfed baby, or look on the kellymom site, there is lots of information on this :hugs:
Oh and when I had my first at 20 I was petrified of feeding in public!! But when I did it once that was it! all over and never bothered me again. In fact it was quite liberating!

You should try it sweet, maybe at a park on a bench where there is less focus on you, and gradually build up your confidence :)
I have to say, I am the opposite..although I don't love feeding in public, if I want to go out and it crosses feed times I just do it. And I can never bring myself to give a bottle of expressed milk. I kind if want people to know that I'm brastfeeding and I think the more people do it in public the more normal it becomes. Practises at home first and buy a cover (bebe au lait is good) - I scoffed at these as a waste of Money whilst pregnant but they are great. I have always loved seeing women breastfeeding in public. It's totally natural and society should be
More supportive! Xx
I meant A bottle of expressed milk in public! I've given it at home :) x
o dear hope the problem resolves soon, i dont know what to suggest as im exclusively bf at the moment. i wouldnt bf in public at first but baby now 5 months and i do it just comes to the point where my baby is crying for feed and its just easier...u do get the odd few men have a good stare..but u know whatever floats their boat..dirty men. go for it! its soooo much easier!!!!! once u dont it a few times its so natural :)
Well girls, I plucked up the courage and I did it, I BF Sam in public! I heeded all your advice and cracked on. He started to scream at me so I just took a deep breath and did it! Truely liberating. Got a few looks, but I just 'looked' back. People think that lambs/calves suckling their mothers is cute and natural but a baby suckling its mum is wierd! Grrrr! Thanks for the advice and push in the right direction :) xx
Well done you :pompom:

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Welldone Mrs B!

It is odd the first time you do it but after awhile you realise that most people do not even notice you!

I hope today has given you the confidence you need to keep feeding in public xx
Well done that's fab that you did it, now don't leave it long, as I did leave it a week or so, then had to be brave all again! I never got Devon to take a bottle in the end, so when I went to take that in June (He was 5 mths), we just used a beaker , he drank less but survived with daddy and expressed frozen milk!)

Re boob feeding when out - I had brought a feeding cover and keep it in my bag just incase I am in a right scary situation or someone was offended etc. I now have a better system I prefer and I find people don't even nottice I'm feeding, draws less attention than the screen.

I have spagetti strap tops from new look £1.99 each in many colours , lots of white ones
I wear them over my feeding bra and under my top. No special feeding tops , just my normal prepreg ones.
I then just pull down one side of the vest top and my bra cup, so boob is out under clothes ready.
Then I pop baby on under outside t-shirt and then once on pull up top, I use a long bib or muslin and pull the end up so it covers any nipplage! You really couldn't see a thing. After I take baby off just pull down outside t-shirt , sit baby up and then can sort out bra cup and vest from the top neck okf my t-shirt more easily while holding baby, and then wind baby. Once I got this sorted, I will feed when out fine. In busy places or men right next to me in coffee shop etc, I may choose to feed from a particular side boob tho out of order just to face away more..

Keep up your brave feeding, it gets easier and easier , esp as it's something you really want to keep doing
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