Mums of two or more


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Need to think of buying some stuff now, (well got a few baby clothes, but want to buy properly from 20 wk scan onwards, for ladies who have two or more children, what would you say is necessary for a baby, what isn't necessary but nice to have have, and what did you buy that was useless? Money will be tight so don't want to buy things I won't use :lol: Thanks!
if your bottle feeding then a bottle warmer in the bedroom is very handy if you dont fancy going downstairs to warm the bottle
winding cloth to put over your shoulder just incase the baby sicks up on you saves you getting changed haha

i wouldnt but a video monitor ever again it was totally useless and i will stick to my sound monitors

again if your bottle feeding milk seperators so when your out and about you have just the right amount of powder ready to be poured into you bottle of water

a must is a bath and room thermometer so you know the room or bath temp is just right

and a major must is a camera with batteries and lots of memory on it as you will be click happy lol
I found a big must was a bath seat instead of a baby bath. You just sit them in the seat which they can't fall out of and wash them. With baths I find when your holding the baby, it gets abit slippery.

I had a baby monitor to start off with with Lacey but never used it so won't use it this time.

Oh another must is a sleeping bag. Stops them kicking the blankets off at night
Baby bath seat instead of a baby bath, the baths take up so much space and the seat is much easier and quicker to use and they get to relax :)

Bath and room thermometer (Avent one) it's got a little lcd screen. Although I have the Avent one and I'm getting a grobag egg to use as the boys night light :)

If baby isnt going to be far from you don't even bother with monitors.

Definatly buy premature/early baby scratch mits as normal size fall off babies when their first born.

Don't spend too much on a travel system trust me you'll get annoyed after a few months and will just get a standard stroller.

for us personally the moses basket was pointless. either straight to cot or a crib will last up to 5/6 month mark.

fancy sterilisers are a waste of money...we use cold water steriliser...this was after my son's hospital stay whe i realised it is all tey use in hospy.

this is a good thread. will have to have a think and come back lol xx
I think a lot of it's down to personal taste. This is my 4th baby and I'm using a crib this time instead of Moses basket/carrycot but that's cos I picked 1 up on eBay for £20 and my cousin gave me the other so now got 1 up and 1 down lol.
I wouldn't buy any of the clothin 'sets' that have hat etc in cos the hat never fits til they've well outgrown the clothes,I ended up wiv a big pile of mismatched hats and outfits. Also get socks that r small,thin and elasticy iykwim? Otherwise u spend the day lookin 4 them and puttin them back on.
I've bought muslin squares this time cos my friend used them and seemed to have more coverage for a sicky baby and can b put under there head whilst in bouncer/crib so makes less washin xxx
this is my 6th baby and the best thing i have found which isn't an essential but a luxery was a swing, baby loved being in there i think they like the movement and i could get on with looking after other kids, making tea, do a bit of housework etc. a baby sling also i found really helpful again with having other kids when they needed a drink making etc and baby wanted to be held or breastfed i hand my hands free.
I do use my babymonitors because i put baby to bed from a couple of weeks old upstairs to help them get into a routine of night and day, but i just use the sound ones which i have used for all of them. I still use mine now as baby is only 9 months old and he goes to bed at 6.30pm now i turn it off when we go up to bed.
I do agree a sleeping bag so baby cant kick covers off aswell

i will try and think of some more
With Joe I found sleeping bags an amaziiing thing, hes always been wriggly and these kept him warm and not able to kick the covers of.
One thing I didnt use was muslin cloths, found them so so useless.
Also when I went into formula a bottle warmer was a must to just have by the side of the bed at night.
Oh and a good play gym, i started of with a really plain one and he just was so bored so got one that played music and had lights, kept him amused for ages!

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