Multiple +OPKs..... HELP PLZ!!! xx

hi yes its just an empty sac that grows but nothing inside or sometimes just a tiny yolk that was me but they said was blighted ovum x
Yes jojo that wat i had alongside my twinnie kins.
It just had a yolk in it they sed. :(
Oooooo janine that wud be soooooooo super helpful hun!!!! Thankyou!
Only if u remember tho shug dont feel pressured.
Wen u post on here make sure its a 'post reply' reply and not a quick one, then ull have option to attach a pic. and upload from ur photos on ur computer.
And TA DARRRR!!!!!


Thanx hun just gotta all think positive havent we.......
When we're not burning OPKs, or having tantrums, or secretly stabbing our OHs with our eyes, or stressing about cycles, or screaming wen AF arrives......etc.
:) lol
thats the one hehe if ya havnt got possitivity most the time then were screwed realy lol x
BTW ladies i remember wat i wanted to tell yer....
If any of yer are bookworms like moi theres a book out called baby dust.
Ive just started to read it. Its about women experiencing MCs and the way it affects them and their life. It is quite upsettin cuz it pulls at mine (and will do to yous) heart strings but i totally makes me feel like im not alone.
Its pretty gud so far.
But very 'box of tissues' like.
Just thawt id tell yee!
im not realy into books have read the twilights cos i loveeee them hehe and want to read the 50 shades of grey but that one sounds gd i may have to get that i also want the call the midwife books cos loved the episodes but the books are sposed to be very gd :-) xx
Oh i loved the midwife series. Not norm the thing id watch but i was hooked after first 10mins!!!!
And twilight....... yummy! :)
I came across 'baby dust' on another MC help site. Lots of ppl sed it was a gud read so thawt id kindle it up! It is sad mind u. So maybe not read it on a 'low' day!

Nearly big brother time!!!!
And one plus of missing the vital BDing time.....i can have a beer! :)
Cheers ears!
ahh i havnt watched bb for yrs but these ppl this yr look mental and i think will be hilarious so i may watch now n then hehe i onto second pink voddy red bull eeekk lol i drink pints cos saves me going bk n forth lmao method in my madness hahahahahah x
Oooo voddy redbull!!!

Clink clink!
Day 7 of positive opks.......


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