I'm 39 weeks, with my second. Yesterday at 4.30am, I started getting pains and contractions coming approx 10 mins apart till 7am but as soon as I got up they stopped. They then continued randomly throughout the day, right up till 11pm at night so I took some paracetamol went to bed slept great now I got up today and all has stopped now nothing I'm really puzzled I was so set that I was going to go in the night, as they were alot more intense and painful than my usual Braxton Hicks.
Could it just be a sign that things are moving in the right direction, also does anyone know, do you need to have a Mucus Show before labour will start or can Labour still kick in without seeing it, I haven't seen one yet but I did get one with my first.
Sarah xx
Could it just be a sign that things are moving in the right direction, also does anyone know, do you need to have a Mucus Show before labour will start or can Labour still kick in without seeing it, I haven't seen one yet but I did get one with my first.
Sarah xx