Mucus Plug..(TMI)


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Hiya everyone! I'm so sorry for the info about to be revealed..but I just needed some advice from you lovely ladies!

I'm 39weeks today and went to the bathroom to use the toilet..when finished I wiped myself with toilet paper only to find a good blob of yellowish white discharge...(sorry!) is this my plug starting to come away? There was no bad smell to it so it can't be an infection...I always thought mucus plug would be bloody....but this wasn't a bloody show.

Advice, opinions...greatly appreciated!! X x
It doesn't have to be bloody from what I've heard xxxxxxx
ive had odd bits of jelly like mucous creamy or even greenish in colour over the last few weeks sometimes proper thick and jelly like and others just slimy dc sort of thing. the joys of being preg huh. even had a tiny bit of bloody stuff today
Ooooohhh Bev, are ya getting a wee bit excited now????? Any pains yet anywhere??
nah, no pains or anything lol. and since ive had the mucous stuff before im not gonna get excited about a spot of blood til its much more and things hurt. no point getting worked up over nothing as it actually can stop labour if you get too excited about it lol
I know what u mean's so easy to get excited about the littlest things...pregnancy can def play mind games with your head lol!! I'm starting to get a bit fed up now..and keen to get things started, but only baba knows when he/she is ready to meet us!
I lost my mucus plug with my 1st a few days before he was born, it was quite a lot, very jelly like clear/yellow/blood in colour, not just like heavy discharge, hope this helps, good luck girls

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