mrsa screening?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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just saw that it says im having a mrsa screening at week 36?
Does everyone have this? i wonder as she have written it underneath "identifided risk factors":shock:
and what is a screening? :whistle:
where does it say that your gona have it hun, in your green book?

just had a flick through mine and it doesnt say anything, but maybe its routine in the hospital that your at??

yeah in my book.. She have not mentioned it i just saw it now.
Is it cuz i work in a carehome where we do come across mrsa? :( Im worried now..
could be hun, especially cos ur in contact with peoples pee and poop and open wounds and stufs like that, lol :sick:

A screening is just what they call the tests they will do. It might be because of your work, although I work in the NHS and haven't had this, it'll be different in every area likely. I wouldn't worry too much. MRSA is usually identified in hospitals because people are tested there, and not usually tested at home. If they do find you have it and want to treat it, they will likely give you anti-biotics, or a local treatment depending on where they find it.
my mum had to have mrsa screening before her operation apparently they do it fo everyone who is admitted to hospital now but thats in my local area x
Our hospital trust has a screening policy where practically every pt is screened for MRSA as they are having real issues with it spreading :flower:
My friend had to be screened in her hosp, everyone gets it routinely there! She basically had to have a swab around her bum, not sure if that's stndard everywhere tho!
The swabs are usually taken from the nose, armpit and groin areas.
I always thought mrsa screening was a nasal swab,they screen every1 were I live aswel but I think they should treat every1 as if they have the worst,most contagious disease then there would b a lot less infection spread xx
The department of health suggest three swabs but each local area will have their own standards and guidelines. The thing is, it only becomes a problem when people are unwell and at risk, the number of people who are carriers who are fit and well is likely to be immense, you can't screen everyone!
No, but by being in hospital u are automatically at risk, either from or too others. Pregnancy lowers ur immune system therefore increasing ur risk of having problems...
My hospital do it, i had it done at the start of the year when i was meant to have an op, and ive been told ill have them again when i go for my pre-op.

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