movements and kicks


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi guys

to those at 37/38/39/40 weeks where do you feel your movements and what are they like.

mymidwife said my bub is on her side, her back almost to my back.

I get no kicks now really but either a prominent sliding almost of feet and knees sliding accross the top right part of my tummy above my belly button, sometimes a get such a huge bulge i think it must be a bum up by my ribs?

I get sharp shoulders I think protruding from up above my groin and punches again on my right side below belly button.

What do you guys experience?
Hi , Still not there yet but I do get similar feelings especially the huge lump lol.
I still get kicks though .
mine are exactly like yours hun
all feet and arms at the front again :(
could feel his kneecap the otherday though that was gross!!!
manda xx
My LO lies in a pretty spot on position I am told. Either to the left or right but with plenty of room to flip over to the other side whenever.

I tend to find I can feel constant pressure right down there, sometimes punches or possibly headbuts, I can feel shoulders turning when LO turns. And also the legs/feet kicking and moving round. I can feel the curve of the spine all the way down the side of my tummy, facing pretty much outward so baby's face is pretty much facing my back MW says.

If I lie flat, MW has shown me how/where to feel the head :shock: I find that to weird though to want to feel it without her there though.

I like I can see baby's spine down my tummy and follow its curve right up to the bottom at the top.
i try to feel myself but can't feel the spine, just all legs and arms and knee caps like manda.

will be taking your advice sherlock and getting on all fours every day trying to get this little one to turn!

Ginnymarie said:
i try to feel myself but can't feel the spine, just all legs and arms and knee caps like manda.

will be taking your advice sherlock and getting on all fours every day trying to get this little one to turn!

You will be able to feel the spine if your LO turns round. I tend to notice it as it stands out down one side of my bellybutton or the other, and when you apply a gentle pressure with your hand/fingers you can feel the solid area of it and then slowly work up and down and feel along the curve.

All fours for as long as possible and hopefully your LO will turn. Try rocking back and forth also while down there :lol:
I get mainly big movements across the front where baby is turning about- haven't had many 'kicks' as such for a couple of weeks now :think:
I hardly ever get any movement now. Normally bedtime is the only time baby will squirm. I normally feel his bum poking out, or have a foot appear out of the side of my bump.
Quite often I worry about if he's ok cos he's so quiet these days. Good job I have a doppler to check for the heartbeat!
In the last 2 days Im the same as mm....bubs is back down south and isnt having so much of a party. I can see his feet sqish about but thats it really apart from the odfdd bum poking at night.

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