Mother troubles


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hi I guess I'm looking for support and advice really.. Getting married next month and my mum isn't too keen on that either, I don't know how to tell her im pregnant and I'm going to find it so difficult as I know she is going to be so nasty. Admittedly it's nothing new, but I love her and want her to be happy etc. She is so against us getting married, spreading nasty lies etc I just worry what she is going to be like with Our news.. Not telling peopl til 3 months anyway but I'm worrying now. Thank you for any help
I'm sorry ur mum is so difficult!
If that's just who she is, unfortunately there is no way to soften the 'blow'.

If I were in ur situation, I'd tell her how happy I am to be pregnant, and it would be amazing if she would be happy too, but if she can't find it in her heart to be happy about it, then she won't hear any more about it til the baby is born. Ie, no scan pics etc.

I hope she is ok about it x

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*hugs* I really hope she can accept it for you. But from personal experience with my own mum, sometimes you've got to say. Well it's tough because if you and your hubby are happy it doesn't matter what anyone else in the world thinks. When her grandchild arrives i'm sure it'll change.

When we told MIL she went mad and now she's known 13 weeks she's getting used the idea.
My own mum is a different story but we haven't spoken long before we found out i was pregnant so that's not related. If you ever need a mum rant your welcome to message me, can sympathise xx
Hey Hun,

Sorry you are having to go throught this with your mum. If there is one thing I have establised through all the struggles I have had with my parents is that they will never change, the only person who can change is me. I have had to radically alter the way I think about my relationship with my parents, it hurts and I still get burnt sometimes but it is the only way.

I adore my parents and I would do anything for them as long as I can protect myself at the same time.

It sucks, especially when pregnant.... all I want is to have a normal mother/daughter relationship with my mum....but as I said it won't happen.

Massive hug hun, xx
Sorry for all you guys that have difficult times with your parents, must be incredibly hard at times and I admire your desire to resist the urge to tell them to poke it.

I think sometimes its not the parents that end up acting like the adults.

Good luck, really hope it goes well and at the end of the day if you dont have her blessing you still have your OH and your beautiful LO, your own little family xx
Thank you so much guys, it's so difficult I wish our relationship was normal but I know she won't change. It's nice knowing I've got some people to talk to and share these problems! Thanks guys means a lot!! Xxx
Aslong as you are happy that's all that matters, it's your life not hers. x
i had the same thing Hun, my mom didn't like my husband to begin with but over time she came round and on my wedding day, she couldn't of been better and she's now incredibly excited that's she's going to be a nanny for the first time, just let her come round in her own time, and if she doesn't it's her loss xxx
I'm gettin to the point where I hate my mum now. She is just so nasty to me and about my oh I just hate it. I try so hard not to cry in front of her. I don't know what to do. I don't want to get stressed for the sake of the baby but if I don't keep in contact she is even worse. Please help

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