Mother said no to morning sickness tablets


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I begged my mam to get me some morning sickness tablets, she told me not to take anything when im pregnant and said years and years ago pregnant women were taking flidomide or something and they had babies with no arms or legs....ive never ever heard of this before???

Hope i dont scare no1 cos thats not what i meant to do...:oooo:

i think ill keep off the sickness tablets now as they always say things are safe then say they arent.
Oh never heard that. I was thinking of getting some but not now lol. But if there is anything i can take then im going get it all lol i feel sooo sick :( x
Yeah I've read about those tablets and they are banned now.
X x x x
my friend was prescribed travacalm travel sickness tablets from her doctor to help with morning sickness and I know a girl who has short arms as her mum took the tablets that you ar talking about when she was pregnant with Sarah x
Yeah, your mum is thinking of thalidomide. [click here for the wiki page].

It was given to women years ago for morning sickness, and did cause babies to be born with deformities, mainly shortened limbs.

It's DEFINATELY not used now, I think it might even be a banned substance [except for rare use in some cancer patients, but definately nothing baby-related!]

You've got nothing to worry about.
I personally reccomend Cyclizine [Valoid tablets] if your sickness is bad, just ask your doc / MW. Worked wonders for me :)
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Wow I'm surprised how many of you haven't hear about thalidomide :p

When I was younger I actually knew some people who were born without limbs because of that drug - they'd have hands coming out of their shoulders etc (no arms) or very stubby arms, no legs or very short legs with feet etc, was very sad. It was supposed to be a wonder drug, but there were so many people that suffered these horrible effects.
With the much wanted pregnancy comes the crappy cons. . . i guess just getting on with it and dealing with it is the way forward - in my opinion you dont need to pump yourself with uneccessary medicines . . .
With the much wanted pregnancy comes the crappy cons. . . i guess just getting on with it and dealing with it is the way forward - in my opinion you dont need to pump yourself with uneccessary medicines . . .

IMO sometimes they are necessary, because sometimes it's so bad you can't just "get on with it".
If I hadn't had any sickness medication in Tri 1, they would have put me in hospital with hyperemisis, and I didn't want that :(
The tablets helped me to function on a basic level, and got me out of the bathroom.

Obviously it is better if you're not so sick, and can avoid taking any meds during pregnancy, but if it really is getting that bad, then doen't be afraid to get help.
I think if it gets worse i'll have to... but going to try not to, anything apart from tablets that can help? ive heard herbal tea but i dont like it xxx
I think if it gets worse i'll have to... but going to try not to, anything apart from tablets that can help? ive heard herbal tea but i dont like it xxx

The main things you'll hear are ginger and mint, and a biscuit before you get out of bed... really it's just hit-and-miss until you find something that works.
Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
You could try sickness travel bands that go on your wrists, so many women swear by them!
And ginger is good, ginger turkish delight!
As i work for a pharmaceutical company this is a major story that we have to learn about so i have heard about this numerous times and it definetly has put me taking anything unless it absolutely necessary.
Hope your feeling better soon hun and try as many natural things before turning to anti sickness tablet. But if you really do need further help with sickness seek doctor's or widwife's advise first x x

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thanks very much i hope it doesnt last long...i want to enjoy pregnancy xxx
Some cases of morning sickness go in the first half of tri-2 but some people have sickness all the way through. Lets hope its the first one hun x x

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oh i hope so too :( knowing my luck ill get it all the way through lol xxx
What time of day do you feel sick?

Mine is pretty much all day but much much worse in the evenings. To be honest I have not found much that helps but the best for me has been really cold things like iced drinks and ice lollies. They only help while I am eating them but as long as you get good ones not too full of sugar or sweeteners I don't think it matters too much about eating them all day long.

Good luck
FYI I was sick as a dog til I was 18 weeks and I was sick about 4x a day, I managed to do everything normally, makes you feel like crap for however log it lasts. I am quite against medication anyway, but try all the things that people tell you. Not a single remedy worked for me (ie Ginger biscuits or travel sickness bands) but you never know, they may work for you, and you'll be thankful! X
Thanks :)

The past 2 days ive felt sick all day from when i woke up ...then at night it started to settle a little bit, i thought i was the only one...i ate loads of ice cream yestoday it made me feel better for a while. Not feeling too bad this morning can still feel the sickly hunger feeling even though ive had breakfast but way better than yestoday xxx

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