Mother and baby parking!!!!!! LONG RANT

libs said:
Well I think they need the space more - speaking as a mum who managed before parent and baby spaces, or buses which can take prams. I do use those spaces now though if I have my niece with me and I know I can cope if I have to park elsewhere. My sister who walks with the aid of sticks etc can't. She just can't get a trolley that far across a car park without hitting cars etc.
To get a mobility badge you need to have a condition that stops you from travelling a certain distance on foot. Sometimes that disability is visible - in other cases (e.g. heart and lung conditions) it isn't. She also needs extra space to get in and out of a car (she can't do the breathe and squeeze technique I use :rotfl: )

Its not the fact that they are closer to the shop that i benefit from but the fact that they have the extra space to open the door. i dont know about your shops but the both the tesco and asdas beside me have tiny 'normal spaces'. Last week i couldnt get a M&B space so had to park in a normal space, when i can back to the car, the person on my right had parked so close that i couldnt open the door far enough to even squeeze myself in the car never mind get a car seat in, so i had to go thorough the passenger door and climb over with the carseat!

If you are registered disabled then you can get a badge, my gran has one and she isnt in anyway mobily disabled (shes just a lazy ass!)

i do understand what you are saying though, but I didnt mean they needed the space less, i think disabled and M&B need the spaces equally. :D
Ah well you have to have a condition to be registered disabled then. And i know to get a disabled registration, my sister had to prove that she can't walka certain distance unaided.
I appreciate the need for wide spaces, for everyone - as you said - you couldn't get in that door, never mind the car seat. Try my breathe and squeeze technique - it's amazing how many inches I can get off me doing that - unfortunately it only lasts 3 seconds :rotfl: and I turn blue :oops:
Just wanted to say in both instances this is SHOCKING!!

Today I was at Tesco and I noticed a woman parking in a M & B bay (strange how you notice these things when motherhood is impending).

I made eye contact with her because I thought I really wanted to park there as I am having probs squeezin my bump between parked cars :oops: but as I NEVER EVER park in Disabled spaces I thought I can't very well park in a M & B space thats just as bad! (even though Tesco gave me a tax disc holder entitling me to M & B spaces when PG- I still recognise others need it more than me!!)

Anyway - she looked a bit awkward and pulled her mobile out and tried to look engrossed in her phone. Not one for confrontation I let it go, but trust me when LO comes I can see me having a few choice words with these fools.

I hate people who park in disabled bays - they should all get tickets - no need for it at all.... and I am sure I will feel the same soon about M & B bays

(ok take a deep breath G!!) ... :wall:
little*red said:
If you are registered disabled then you can get a badge, my gran has one and she isnt in anyway mobily disabled (shes just a lazy ass!)

My Nan is registered disabled as she has angina, she had to apply for a badge though, they asked her so may stupid questions when she did like "How far can you walk round a swimming pool" & "How many steps can you take before you feel breathless" :rotfl:
This makes me so mad!!!! :x I had to park in a 'normal' space recently and I always try to leave more room on the side of the car seat to get Abs out, but now being PG with a bigger bump, realised I hadn't left myself enough room to get out!!!!

Often I notice its people with fancy cars who park there because they don't want their car to get scratched!! Would love to have the nerve to block them in!

Was reading in a baby magazine about an Asda store somewhere that has a barrier and you needed a permit to get into the m&b spaces wish that was at mine. It frustrates me so much I shop online now, far less stressful and cheaper.

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