Morning sickness

Sorry to hear it got you too!!

I just try and go for little and often, don't let yourself get hungry as it makes it worse - hence why first thing in the morning is bad for most people.
I try and eat whatever I fancy at that moment in time, things like icecream and yoghurts seem to stay down, and avoid anything with a strong smell.

Lots of people swear by full fat coke - just a few sips now and then - I agree it works quite well, but the ginger biscuit thing does not work for me.

Keep us posted with how you go
I have waves of huge nausea with mild constant, is this dare I say normal?
also I'm at work and they don't know yet so what desk side snacks are useful?
Yeah icecream and yoghurt don't keep well in a desk haha. I used to keep a cereal bar or little packet of biscuits in my pocket to nibble on. It's so hard keeping it a secret when you're running off to be sick.
Hope you feel better soon!
Yesss that's normal; I feel nausious all day long with waves comingxand going! Tictacs help me through meetings at work, white bread with butter, and rice cakes. I avoid fizzy drinks as it makes it really bad! Little bits of food many times a day work better than big meals.

Good luck, I know how you feel!
Thanks ladies, may buy some plain biscuits tomorrow! Any suggestions with drinks? Told cola which eased today but may have been because i ate lol
Plain crackers and flat lucozade have been working for me
I’ve also been struggling! I feel constantly sick which doesn’t help when it comes to eating! Also brushing my teeth makes me sick which is great!
I’ve found fruit goes down quite well - chop up some mango perhaps as that’s lovely and refreshing! Ice lollies are good too! I am struggling with drinks so only really drinking water currently but may have to try coke!
Cc im 27 weeks and I still throw up brushing my teeth it’s such a chore to do as soon as toothbrush is in my mouth I start heaving then throw up :-(
Toast salt and vinegar crisps and digestive biscuits all helped me in the first tri for nausea xx
I had been having the constant nausea but as of yesterday (9 weeks + 5)it escalated to actually being sick.

I was having to literally eat all the time and now I don’t want to eat because of being sick!

My OH bless him is being great and offers to get anything I want but I just don’t know what I want!!

I am also quite good with fruit and yoghurt have also been my friends. I can’t stand tea and chocolate - two of my favourite things!
I threw up for the first time today.... brushing my teeth!
Ladies, for all of you who are being sick when you brush your teeth..... change your toothpaste to something completely different!! I always used oralB but changed to Colgate and fingers crossed haven’t even felt sick since from brushing!!
Ginger they say though it made me sick lol. Citrus worked well for me. Maybe try putting lemon slices in water for the constant nausea. And eating crackers or digestives in the morning before getting up out of bed. The empty stomach makes it 100x worse . Mine was awful with this baby compared to dd. Both girls too. Good luck ladies fx it all passes quick . xx

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