What helps to ease your sickness?

Hey Lewa,

Your a star! I have a HUGE fresh watermelon in the fridge waiting to be eaten. I will most deffo try this.

I have been bed ridden all day as I am feeling so ill and now willing to try anything!

I had sent OH out to Boots about 15 minutes ago to get some Travel Bands for me too.

Wish me luck lol
Irn Bru and fox's glasier mints are helping me!God help my teeth!

Its funny how you get days where you think the worst is over then the next day you are miserabl with it!

Roll on 12 - 14 weeks!
Just a quick update on the watermelon and travel bands.

BOTH have been a life saver!!

I swear by these travel bands too.. Deffo took the edge of my sickness and the watermelon eases my stomach alot.

So now I have become obsessed with fruit and completely stocked up on every fruit sold in Asda. Deffo a good idea thx Lewa x


I've had watermelon a few times lately and it has been great because I get thirsty but am not keen on a lot of drinks.

Also, today I've discovered tomato juice with ice. Sounds rank, but so far I've drunk nearly a carton :shock:

I'd watch the lucozade if you think you might be at risk of diabetes as its full of glucose! but if your not in the diabetes at risk category then I'm guessing its not too bad in small doses, like anything is I guess, but anything with too much sugar and glucose should be avoided when pg as it can make for a big baby!!

I had pretty bad sickness up until 21 weeks (still get it on and off now) but I found there was no magic cure, somedays somethings helped, other days those same things made it worse!! Fizzy water was far better than still water for me as it helped me burp and sometimes burping just relieved some of the need to be sick. Eating small bland amounts and eating them slowly helped too, but sometimes you just have to go with the feeling and accept its all gonna come back up again in a matter of moments!! The best advice I have is just dont give up, carry on eating and drinking even if it feels futile and you cant face it, as its so important to stay hydrated, and just rest in bed. I ended up signed off for 3 months and spent most of that in bed as I felt too sick to move, but gradually it eases and it does get manageable and then one day you wake up and feel normal again!!!!! I think one night I ate 5 lots of toast as each one bounced straight back immediately, eventually got the last one to stay down for long enough to have digested some, I was beside myself and sobbing but OH kept bringing me another slice and I kept going as I was determined not to let it win! OH and I tried to laugh about it, I ended up being able to hold a conversation then throw up mid sentence then carry on with what I was saying as if it hadnt happened, we just made it part of normal life! it really is just a case of perseverance as it will ease off when it wants to, be it days, weeks or months but there is not alot you can do to hurry it along except rest and keep yourself hydrated and try to stay positive! Really hope you do feel better soon :hug:
watermelon was a lifesaver for me too as I was getting some fluid from it and straight from the fridge ice cold it was lovely! any juicy high water content fruit and veg is good!!
avoid acidic fruit though like apples as they are bloody awful to throw back up, I burnt my throat from eating then throwing up an apple, cant touch them now :-(
i have had really bad sickness too the last few weeks. i couldnt even keep water down! some days some things like lucozade, biscuits, ginger etc would help then the next day they wouldnt. on friday i gave up and went to the doctor. he prescribed me some sickness tablets that are safe to take when pregnant. although they havent 'cured' it completly they have certainly taken the edge off and last night i ate my first proper meal for weeks and kept it down!! if things are that bad for you then i would advise getting some help as you will get badly dehydrated which isint good for you or your baby. xx
I've got the travel/sea sickness band - to be honest i still feel pretty ill wearing then - but feel 100 times worse when they come off.

Sucking on boiled sweets - pear drops, barely sugars etc seem to be helping a wee bit.
Ginger biscuits have decided to stop working for me now, and morning sickness has kicked in all day long. Im trying to eat the little and often thing but think I will defo try the water melon thing and some polos! Some days im actually sick other not! Urghh not good!

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