Morning sickness on and off


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2010
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I was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing this? Yesterday morning was the first day that I was actually sick but I've been feeling sick on and off for days. All day yesterday I felt sick unless I'd just eaten. However, today I felt fine when I got up but the nausea is starting to come on again. Is this normal? Should I not feel sick every morning when I get up?
No idea if this is the right or wrong answer, but my experience is that I seem to be worse on weekdays and it varies between feeling and being sick all day or just the morning. The weekends I get some sickness, but not as much, I think it might be because I can take things very slowing and do what I want, whereas on a work day I have to get to places.

Today is a bad day sickness wise, I am wondering whether it is baby having a growth spurt?? My back is really sore today aswell.
I totally sympathise. I have felt sick since 6 weeks. I'm now signed off work due to it and it's there pretty much 24hrs a day. none of the remedies or even the medication my dr bought me on have touched it. Its hard to remember when you're feeling so rough it's a means to an amazing end! x
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i just wish the sickness would come out. been feeling the need to be sick since the weekend, but nothing is coming out! last night and this morning was the worst xxx
i just wish the sickness would come out. been feeling the need to be sick since the weekend, but nothing is coming out! last night and this morning was the worst xxx

You might regret saying that! It's not nice when it comes out!
I have really bad nausea throughout the day on and off. I dont feel like i can eat anything, so ive been making it up with fluids. xxx
I suffer really badly with "morning sickness" and mine is not always in the mornings! Im 10 weeks gone, and for about 5 weeks I have been sick up to about 5 times a day, and feel very sick the rest of the time. Im only physically sick when Its time to eat which is really annoying! Anyone know when It stops??
I have been very nauseous all week. Keep going to be sick but nothing comes up. Apparently that's very common. It's the way it just comes out of the blue. It's more common in 1st trimester apparently and should hopefully ease off in T2.
I was always really badly sick with my 3 kids, and now this time, no real sickness, just nausea and to be honest that's at a managable level too. It might depend what you ate and how much the night before and weather you get up early or late as to wether you feel sick in the mornings. If your body is more hungry ni the morning, then you may feel more sick until food is inside you.

hope it eases up a bit soon for you
my nausea comes and goes too. with dd I had this until about 16 weeks
I have been sick only once but keep gagging mainly when I need food. Its been on and off aswell it seems to stop for a few days then come back its wierd! its not just in the mornings either its whenever xx
I've not been I'll since Monday. However, I have felt sick regularly but I've not needed to go to the toilet and throw. I'm trying to take my time on a morning now and not rush about - maybe that's sorted it?
thought i was goin mad.
was in the hair salon yesterday under the hair dryerand felt like i was gonna pass out and as soon as i came out i felt really really nausiated....thought it was my head as i hadnt eaten for 5 hours.
got up this morning and made my weetabix, felt nausiated again, had one mouthful and had to throw it away. felt too sick

im not sure if its morning sickness as it only hit me for the first time yesterday. does it come with a pre-warning or does it just hit you??:eh:
thought i was goin mad.
was in the hair salon yesterday under the hair dryerand felt like i was gonna pass out and as soon as i came out i felt really really nausiated....thought it was my head as i hadnt eaten for 5 hours.
got up this morning and made my weetabix, felt nausiated again, had one mouthful and had to throw it away. felt too sick

im not sure if its morning sickness as it only hit me for the first time yesterday. does it come with a pre-warning or does it just hit you??:eh:

It just hit me about a month ago with no warning whatsoever! Not cool x
It generally just hits me and quite often it feels like for no reason! Then some days I feel fine - being pregnant is so weird and worrying.

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