Modern Day Heroes


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Im more often a reader than a writer on this forum, but i love it to bits and its part of my daily routine now. Reading on other's peoples experiences, I have noticed that alot of you girls has been through very bad times..I can't name them since im very bad with names at the moment ( pregnancy names ), but amongst the others i read about child abuse, relationships abuse, depression, miscarriages, loss of parents and bringing up children on their own. Well I admire all these people as they have managed to get through it through thick and thin, so what do you think girls? , shall we give all these girls a big round of applause :clap: and give them a title of MODERN DAY HEROS..i think they deserve it!
I agree!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Such a lovely bunch of caring, wonderful people, always ready with a cup of tea and bicky :)
my dh asks me why i am on here so often but i try and explain but he just doesnt get it.

this forum really does help people. whether you post, reply to posts or just read.

so :clap: :clap: to this forum.
snap Davina! :roll:

Yeah :hug: this is a great idea - to all you girls who are having a hard time and are still getting on with it, bringing up your families etc,....I admire you - you still come on here and help everyone else :clap:
Everyone is lovely here.
oh peanut, did i congratulate you, ive just noticed your ticker.

congratulations hun. hope you sail through.

i agree too

everyone is so nice and caring on here,
im glad i found this forum!!

Definately agree! You girls support me so much with everything I've been through and I hope I can offer twice the support back, I couldn't be without this forum! :hug:

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