

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi girls

Just came on for a moan really... It would have been my 12 week scan this week, didn't think I'd feel so sad about it and was kind of hoping I'd forget! Any suggestions of what I can do to distract myself?! I have a load of paperwork to do and obviously will be working on the day which will help!

Me and OH have been bding a bit, not using opks so don't know whats going on! I had a bit of bleeding last Weds which I thought might be ov but then I had some more today..... am hoping its nothing bad. I keep thinking I feel normal again but then I realise I'm pretty moody which isn't like me, roll on summer holidays am sure they will help :)

Ok moan over, just felt a bit sh*t and wanted to share! hope everyone is ok xxxx
What your feeling is normal. Please dont be too hard on yourself, it takes time to recover emotionally xxx :hug:
Any stage or date that you see as a milestone will be hard after what you have been througth, you sound like you completely normal here. I'm dreading the due date coming round myself for the same reasons.

I have found gettng back into exersize brilliant, I get up in the morning before kids are up and do 38 mins really fast walking to travel 4K . I have lots of time to think and put the world to rights while I am plodding away, allows me to eat more what I want and I feel much better for doing it when I have finished, feel fitter , all those endorpins flowing about and for me its probably the control I can have over somethign in my life that gives me a kick, hope my body will be super fit for getting pregnant again too when it happens.

Hope you feel chirpier soon, it is such a roller coaster X
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I might give the exercise thing a go - but problem is everytime a milestone appears for me I just feel sick and lie on the sofa.
I agree Lillie, makes you feel pretty bad.....the exercise thing sounds good though, I have put on a bit of weight in the last year and although I don't care about it everyone else seems to!!! Managed to be very distracted yesterday as MIL ended up in hosp with heart probs :( she is doing ok tho.

I am getting a bit concerned about the bleeding now.... I had some last Weds I thought it might be ov (day 17/18 ish after mc) but then have had spotting brown/pink this week since Tues. Only a bit everyday but still a bit worried. Doc did bloods last week and said there was nothing wrong so I assume that would have showed an infection if I had one?!
If anyone has any advice send it my way!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

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