Missed miscarriage at 10 + 5.

Sorry on your loss hun :( :hug:
When i had my first three losses they sent me back for a few scans before they sent me for a dnc
i hated the fact i was walking round pregnant but not pregnant if you know what i mean :(
My parents was fuming that they left me for two weeks knowing my baby had died but they just
wanted to scan me again and i had to wait 2 weeks till they done it.
Its only now after my 9th loss that i relise they done this just to be sure. i had to have a dnc with all
my babies cause i was too far gone. My babys was 10wks and 8wks and 8wks 1 day when there hearts
stopped beating but i wasnt told this with any of them till my 12 wk scan and 10wk scan so i carried
my children around for quite sometime before i knew they grew there wings and went to heaven.

I am often asked by doctors and others where do i get the strength to carry on ttc.
knowing i could go through another loss i think when you have lost 9 kids and got no children
but being told that you have a blood clotting disorder that comes and goes when pg but is
treatable then that gives you strength to carry. If i was told i would lose another then i would stop
but when your not told that and your told that theres a good chance your next pg will be born
then theres that hope and am sure you will find the strength to get through this somehow
and try again when you feel up to it. :hug: :hug:
It doesn't matter if its common, it's still heartbreaking, it feels awful. I am so sorry for your loss xxx :hug:

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