

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I had a scan at the hospital today and got very bad news im totally devastated.

Last week it should have been my 7 week scan and when I went for the scan the nurse had said I was either only measuring 6 weeks (which was my guess) or the preg had ended, so I was booked in for another scan today, which had revealed the baby had grown but there was no heartbeat or nothing. I cant believe its happening to me :cry:

I was told I should bleed (miscarry) within a few weeks believe me there is nothing worse knowing and waiting on a miscarriage and that I have a scan booked within a few weeks to check if there is any remains-what a way to put it.

Im devastated in denial and cant stop crying
Hiya hun, Im so sorry for your loss, I no theres no words anyone can say to you to make you feel better, and I havent been in your position, but I'm sending you a lot of hugs and love and I hope your ok as can be.

I'm so sorry to hear your news :( having been through a chemical last week at 2-3 wks pg was hard enough, so I know you must be heartbroken. The waiting will be awful, but I really believe that after it's all over, there will be a turning point when you will be able to look back at the event a different perspective. For now, get support wherever you need it, cry as much as you need, and talk to us on here. Read some of the stuff on the miscarriage association website too xxxxx
Omg hunny. I'm so sorry. I've just lost mine too. I'm here if you need me hun.
It truely is the most awful experience! Im so sorry for your loss! Xxx
So sorry to hear this, wish there was something We could do to make it better but having recently Been there myself I know there's not alote anyone can do :-( bloody life is cruel xx
So sorry for your loss. Take very good care of yourself. Have they not offered you any other option other than to wait? xxx
So sorry that you got bad news, I've been through 2 MMC's, it's devastating, look after yourself - lean on those around you. It's a big shock to absorb, take time to grieve. (I would have a chat with your GP in my case I was offered a choice of waiting or going in to hospital for medical management, I chose the latter but lots of people choose to wait) take care x
thankyou everyone, how long does it take before you conceive again? does it take a while?
For me after they diagnosed a MMC I went into hospital within 3 days for medical management, afterwards I had light spotting for 10 days, 18 days after I still had a very faint positive but I ovulated again 3 weeks after procedure. The GP said to leave one cycle and then we could try again but this is just for dating. I chose to wait a few months to give me time to get my head around what had happened.
If you miscarry naturally I think it still takes 2 to 4 weeks to ovulate again.

The initial shock is horrible, take a few days to give yourself time to come to terms with the news and then call your GP or the hospital to go through your questions.

Hugs Louise
Yummymummy ..sorry for your lose...lots of hugs.. and chocolate ;-)

I had a natural mc last Feb at 8w+5 (was a blighted ovum) and ovulated exactly 14 days after the day miscarriage, I fell pregnant straight away! so fx you will be extra fertile.

The only thing I would say is I am only 6 weeks(tomorrow) and feel as though I am 14 weeks pregnant. It's as though I have mentally been pregnant since the first time...so even though Im only 6 weeks I am generally fed up already so its' going to be a 11 month pregnany for me! ;-(
So sorry for your loss! It is an awful thing to go through and there is nothing anyone can do or say to make it better. Personally I would say vent out everything you are feeling to someone you trust or on here. Let yourself get out all the anger and upset. Get it all off your chest then look to the future with a positive attitude.

They reckon after having a baby you are more fertile than usual, I don't know if that applies to being pregnant and miscarrying though. I'm sure it won't take long to fall pregnant again but take as long as you need before trying. I think a lot of people suggest waiting but having been there myself and desperate for a child that wasn't an option for me at all. I feel like it helped me move on from the loss of my son and gave me something to live for but it didn't take the pain away, nothing will. The Drs etc. suggested waiting until I was 'emotionally' ready but for me I was never going to be emotionally ready as I felt like I was a mum without a child and wouldn't be complete until I had a baby. So whatever you do make sure it's right for you..

Good luck
Hi Gill. I'm so sorry. For me first time my af arrived 28 days after the start of my mc I conceived almost immediately after my mc after only dtd twice. You know my story. I would say that I also lost that one but apparently I'm very unlucky. It's so hard and there is not a lot I can do but if you have any questions and frets anything you know I'm here for you x x x
hi everyone thankyou for all your kind replies.

we were also told to wait a few months so I would be ready but that's not an option for me either I want to get pregnant straight away again.

ive phoned the hospital and asked the questions I needed to ask, I don't care what anyone else says I needed to do it and they were so nice. The past few days all ive been doing is crying however I have another scan on the 15th to check for any remains as I should have bled by then I asked what if I haven't and what if its a slow developer and there is a heartbeat, would they find it and does it ever happen? the nurse said she really doesn't want to give me false hope but it can happen which kinda gives me a glimmer of hope x
I'm so sorry for your loss xxx . I had a MC last October I know it hurts and at the moment you probably can't see light at the end of the tunnel but trust me there is. I let myself have a proper cycle before we tried again. And after 3 cycles I fell pregnant, I have my 12 week scan next Wednesday.
I wish I found this forum last October it would have helped me instead of keeping it all in. Don't give up and wish you lots of luck xxxxx
Did it take you long to get pregnant ? After pregnancy you are always more fertile.
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well we were trying then after the year we went to the gp, where he referred us to the fertility clinic at the hospital then we had to get tests then wait on results finally I was given clomid and on my 2nd round clomid I conceived which was 100mg so im wondering if I go back on that will I conceive straight away again?

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