silent miscarriage - so upset

The messages on here have been so sweet, and I've burst into tears each time I've read one.

I've spent the week in a daze. No bleeding has happened, so I'll need to have the D&C on Monday which terrifies me.

I feel like I'll never be happy again, and dont think Im coping very well. I miss knowing the baby is there, and realising that the baby plans I had made, like where to go for Christmas, wont happen now. I dont see that I'll feel better and I cant see any light at the end of this at all.
I went through this exact thing in 2007 and it took me months to start to feel myself again. It's taken alot for me to be ready for another baby. If you have any questions or want to talk, message me. I didn't have anyone who'd had this happen to talk to and I know it would of helped immeasurably. Big hugs.
:hug:Hi Lillie, hope today went as smooth as possible and that you are home from hospital and resting up with lots of TLC. Anytime you need a chat we are all here for you..

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